Waiting for Thermidor: America’s Foreign Policy Towards Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran may be on an accelerated schedule for revolutionary decay, at least if compared to the USSR.
The Islamic Republic of Iran may be on an accelerated schedule for revolutionary decay, at least if compared to the USSR.
Last year, Congress asked the United States Institute of Peace, a government-funded think tank, to develop “a comprehensive plan to prevent the underlying causes of extremism in fragile states in th...
President Donald Trump on Monday said he would be “honored” to meet with Kim Jong Un under the right conditions. Trump is not the first president to consider meeting a North Korean le...
All administrations are short-sighted. Even the brightest, most reflective people can develop acute tunnel vision when they join the paper-pushing, crisis-a-minute senior ranks of the National Se...
With Congress due to vote by Sept. 17 on the Iran nuclear deal, there’s a warning worth revisiting. It goes like this: The president is pushing a historic nuclear agreement, saying it will...
It’s hard to know where to begin a critique of President Obama’s ...
With the Iran nuclear talks nearing a Nov. 24 deadline for a deal, U.S. chief negotiator Wendy Sherman is under pressure to bring almost a year of bargaining to fruition. While U.S. ...
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry emerged from the latest round of Iran nuclear talks in Geneva earlier this month to say t...
The MEK puzzle.
In a move that should startle members of Congress, a Palestinian sovereign wealth fund that has long received American taxpayer support will soon begin building houses for convicted members of te...
In a twist that almost certainly violates U.S. law, American taxpayers are unwittingly contributing to a Palestinian sovereign wealth fund controlled in part by the terrorist group Hamas....
It needs the talents of Stanley Kubrick to do justice to the complete Cuckoo’s Nest that American policy on North Korea has become. The State Department wants a nuclear deal, Presi...
Michael Ledeen's tour de force shows the war with Iran is already on, whether we choose fight it or not.
Obama's flawed thinking.
Amid the complex dynamics of the Horn of Africa, the most significant national interest at stake for the United States is preventing Al-Qaeda (or any other like-minded international terrori...
Co-Authored by James Forsyth Mark Malloch-Brown, the minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, was the most prestigious recruit to Gordon Brown’s ministry of all the talents....
The major media outlets reported this week that the German government and its fully-owned Deutsche Bahn railway company terminated participation in a long-planned Israeli rapid rail project...
The Obama administration's talks with Iran-set to take place tomorrow in Geneva-are accompanied by an almost universally accepted misconception: that previous American administrations refused to ne...
The Obama administration's talks with Iran-set to take place tomorrow in Geneva-are accompanied by an alm...
We shouldn't ''engage'' with a government that kills, suppresses and starves its citizens.