Little Satan

November 8, 2023 | Clifford D. May |

Hamas vs. Western Civ

Gaza is a significant battleground

July 28, 2022 | Reuel Marc Gerecht, Ray Takeyh

Tehran, the Day After

What might happen in Iran if America or Israel bombed the nuclear sites?

September 23, 2015 | Clifford D. May |

Why Republican Presidential Candidates Support Israel

So last week during the Republican debate, hundreds of thousands of people read your tweets lambasting four of the candidates — Gov. Chris Christie, former Gov. Mike Huckabee and Senators M...

June 13, 2013 | Clifford D. May |

Iran’s Meaningless Presidential Elections

The Islamic Republic of Iran is holding its eleventh presidential election on Friday. It’s all very exciting — just as it was in 1979 when, right after the Iranian Revolution that bro...

November 16, 2011 | Clifford D. May |

Iran Options

Most are bad. The rest are worse. But actions must be taken.

September 8, 2011 | Clifford D. May |


The state of too many Western leaders ten years after 9/11/01.

March 8, 2011 | Clifford D. May |

Talk Like An Egyptian

In his remarks following the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak last week, Presid...

July 19, 2010 | |

Should Israel Bomb Iran?

There is only one thing that terrifies Washington’s foreign policy establishment more than the prospect of an American airstrike against Iran’s nuclear-weapons facilities: an Israeli...

June 17, 2010 | Clifford D. May |

Boxing Iran?

President Obama’s policy of “engagement” with Iran can be viewed as an experiment. There was at least a chance that it was only President Bush — that swaggering, unilatera...

May 6, 2010 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service |

Give Crippling Sanctions A Chance

Congress wants Obama to get tougher with Iran.

September 25, 2008 | Clifford D. May |

Dining with the Enemy

What do you serve an Iranian Islamist who is hungry for power?

August 2, 2006 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service |

Hezbollah’s Psych-Ops

Hezbollah and its foreign sponsors deserve credit: They understand the perverse psychology of the Middle East. They knew they could launch a war against Israel and then have Israel get the blame...

May 18, 2005 | Clifford D. May |

MAD No More; Can America’s New Enemies be Deterred?

Once upon a time, "credible deterrence" was the main pillar of America's national security strategy. The Soviet Union may have been, as President Reagan said, an “evil empire.” B...

September 10, 2003 | Clifford D. May |

9/11 in 20/20 Hindsight

September 11 will be remembered as the worst terrorist attack America ever suffered — if we’re lucky. If not, if we’re not extraordinarily successful in waging the war on...

July 3, 2003 | FrontPageMagazine

Symposium: Bush’s Decision to Go to War. Was it Justified?

By Jamie Glazov As the controversy over the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq escalates, so does the criticism of President Bush and his decision to go to war. Was the liberati...