Restarting the Fight Against Terror-Funding Charities
Busting terrorist charities here in the United States was a low priority for the last eight years under Barack Obama. It's time for the Trump administration to instruct the bureau...
Busting terrorist charities here in the United States was a low priority for the last eight years under Barack Obama. It's time for the Trump administration to instruct the bureau...
News of North Korea is dominated right now by Pyongyang’s threats to carry out yet another nuclear test, which would be its fourth since 2006, and its third since President Obama took offic...
Co-authored by Danny Eisen War, natural disasters and political instability ensure that the issue of foreign aid remains at the forefront of Canadian policy and public debate. I...
Co-authored by Danny Eisen After years of vacillating, the United States has finally designat...
How much has Canada changed in the last eleven years? Consider this: As the World Trade Center rubble was still smoldering, the then-leader of Canada’s left-wing NDP party, Alexa McDonough,...
Washington, DC (FDD, August 20, 2012) – The Foundation for Defense of Democracies Press has released a groundbreaking volume on terrorist groups operating in Can...
FDD Press
Like Israel and Rwanda, Sri Lanka serves, for many world-watchers, as a byword for ethno-religious conflict. For almost three decades, the country’s largely Buddhist Sinhalese majority enga...
This isn't a column about the Middle East. But to make my point, I'm going to start by asking readers to imagine a scenario from that part of the world. Imagine that, sometime...
In March, 2004, Israeli soldiers manning the Hawara checkpoint near Nablus witnessed a shocking site: An adolescent Palestinian boy named Abdu lifted up his shirt to reveal a large suicide vest....
In terms of Islamic extremists in Canada [as] they regard the proximity of Canada to the U.S., it's making Canada a kind of Islamic extremist aircraft carrier for the launching of major assa...
Many Sri Lankans understand the sense of relief and elation that Americans are experiencing following the death of Osama bin Laden. On May 18, 2009, Sri Lankan troops cornered and killed the coun...
One clear blind spot in the contemporary study of terrorism is the role religious ideology plays as a motivating force and driver of strategy. In the scholarship on suicide missions in particular...
Yesterday, I...
The conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers has deep, tangled roots. But to a rough order of magnitude, the moral stakes can be reduced to a single act of terrorist savage...
In an epic litigation already immensely damaging to government’s anti-terrorism arsenal, a California federal court has yet again invalidated a law that bars private individuals from...
With terrorist group Hamas refusing to back down from its use of a Mickey Mouse-like character who teaches children to hate and murder, the Coalition Against Terrorist Media (CATM), a project of...
Authored by Alykhan Velshi & Howard Anglin The charitable reputation of the American people, much remarked in these pages, is well-deserved. Whether it is to earthquake vict...
Despite the unfortunate tendency among many talking heads to oppose "soft power" to "hard power" – usually these days to the detriment of the latter – the truth is that the two aspect...
Mia Bloom, Dying to Kill: The Allure of Suicide Terrorism (New York: Columbia University, 2005), 280 pp., $24.95. Timothy Naftali, Blind Spot: The Secret History of American...