The Realignment
On Iran, Biden is finishing what Obama started. And his top advisers are all on board.
On Iran, Biden is finishing what Obama started. And his top advisers are all on board.
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan stunned his country’s Christians and Jews by publicly using the slur “gavur” (infidel), a pejorative designation for non-Muslims, to criticize...
This will set a dangerous precedent, emboldening supremacists not only in Turkey but also in the Middle East and North Africa.
Algerian authorities shut one church because it ‘celebrates non-Muslim worship’
The Turkish government is imposing its political preferences when it comes to selecting the leaders of the country’s minority groups—and posing a threat to religious freedom.
A victory, to be sure, but Islamism goes marching on
Whenever the Israeli–Palestinian question arises in Washington, an assumption inevitably precedes it: the United States has an important and unique role to play in advancing peace between these two...
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Last year, Congress asked the United States Institute of Peace, a government-funded think tank, to develop “a comprehensive plan to prevent the underlying causes of extremism in fragile states in th...
The 6-year-old child who cried in front of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become a global sensation...
Iran has a peculiar habit of surprising Americans. It has done so again with the protests engulfing its major cities. The demonstrations began over economic grievances and quickly transformed int...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly ...
“The Kafir’s Blood Is Halal For You, So Shed it.” That’s just one of the catchier headlines in a recent issue of ...
One of the most striking features of the British cemetery at Gallipoli is the attention given to honoring the diversity of the dead. Final farewells from loved ones carved upon stone plaques line...
Millions of people want to come to America. Actually, it’s tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions. Some Americans believe our borders should be open — that everyone has a &l...
At approximately 9:35 a.m. on Saturday, September 17, a garbage can exploded along the route of the Seaside Semper Five Marine Corps Charity 5K Race in Seaside Park, New Jersey. Fortunately, no o...
It was the day after the 2009 Fort Hood shooting. I was working as a CIA analyst. I sat in a room with the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, along with several other a...
Co-authored with Nathaniel Barr and Bridget Moreng The post-Arab Spring period has seen extraordinary growth in the global jihadist movement. In addition to the ...
Michel Houellebecq is a sardonic and iconoclastic French novelist, winner of the prestigious Prix Goncourt, and subject of considerable controversy in Europe these days. He deserves to be controv...
Over the years, Israelis have had to defend themselves from foreign armies, suicide bombers and missiles. Over recent weeks, they’ve been confronting a new threat: young Palestinians wieldi...