Jacques Chirac

June 13, 2022 | Eric S. Edelman |

What Erdoğan Has Wrought?

Seeking concessions to support Finland and Sweden joining NATO has done damage to Turkey’s standing in Europe and its long-term security interests.

July 5, 2017 | Benjamin Weinthal

A Victim of the Hate That Won’t Be Named

Co-written by Ben Cohen. Back in 2002, the serving president of France, Jacques Chirac, huffily told an interviewer from the New York Times, “To imagine that France, the v...

July 15, 2016 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

The Chilcot Report

The Chilcot report on the Iraq war ought to elicit two emotions: sympathy and pity for former British prime minister Tony Blair. As was evident by late 2002, when Europeans saw the fri...

January 16, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal Fox News

Europe Needs Straight Talk About Radical Islam

BERLIN –  Europe’s timid approach to Islamic terrorism imploded last week with the horrific jihadi-animated murder of 17 men and women in Paris, including most of the cartoonists...

November 12, 2013 | Michael Ledeen |

The French

What are we to make of the latest broken stereotype, the one that portrays the French as Europe's leading surrender monkeys? After French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius rejected the latest...

September 3, 2013 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

About That Special Relationship

Some are fretting about whether the special relationship that has bound the United States and the United Kingdom since World War II has been damaged by the House of Common’s vote against Br...

December 26, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

How Will European-Israeli Relations Look in 2013?

There will be no shortage of rifts and sharp disagreements between Europe and Israel in 2013. During 2012 the EU and Israel clashed over construction of settlements, outlawing Hezbollah within th...

June 28, 2012 | Emanuele Ottolenghi Standpoint |

Yes We Still Can

In 1999, as America prepared to enter the new century, French leaders decried its rising status as a "hyperpower". A hyperpower, explained then French foreign minister Hubert V&ea...

June 22, 2011 | TCS Daily |

Beyond Farce

The following is not the outline of a rejected screenplay by an aspiring Hollywood writer trying to outdo 24. Nor is it product of a freshman political science student's imagination, concoct...

June 14, 2011 | Middle East Times |

Expected and Undisturbed Hezbollah Coup

The Lebanese government last week tried to put a stop to Hezbollah's blatant takeover of the country. Authorities outlawed Hezbollah's illegal parallel telecom network and fired the air...

March 18, 2011 |

Sarkozy: Europe’s Proponent of Bush’s ‘Freedom Agenda’

To get a sense of how President Obama’s Libya (and Mideast) strategy is stuck in a foreign-policy rut, one only needs to look at how French president Nicolas Sarkozy seems to be the only fo...

February 18, 2011 | Wall Street Journal

Berlusconi: Undone by La Dolce Vita?

Silvio Berlusconi holds an amazing record of political longevity. Three G-8 summits have been held in Italy in the last 17 years (1994, 1999 and 2009). The U. S. was represented by Presidents Cli...

January 21, 2011 | Commentary

Le Pen’s National Front and the Anti-Zionist Party

Marine Le Pen took over the party leadership of the xenophobic, far-right National Front Party this week. The Wall Street Journal noted that “Ms. Le Pen on Sunday became the party’s s...

December 16, 2010 | NOW Lebanon |

Sarkozy’s Costly Pipe Dream

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s latest trip to France served as yet another reminder of the obvious futility of the Elysee’s attitude towards Syria under Nicolas Sarkozy. Driving t...

May 21, 2010 | Michael Ledeen Pajamas Media

The Spy Swap that Really Happened: The Case of Agent ‘Lily’

I’ve of course been following the story of the French release of Ali Vakili-Rod, the Iranian assassin of  former Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar.  If you like assassinati...

May 10, 2007 |

A New French Resistance

The electoral victory by Nicolas Sarkozy is the product of the French public's rejection of a decay eroding the foundations of the Fifth Republic since its inception in 1958. The country&#03...

May 9, 2007 |

French Resistance to Jihadism

When I was leaving Paris at the end of October 2005 after a visit to France, I had two things in mind: First, I had seen the beginning of the urban intifada, which would soon engulf about two hun...

March 21, 2007 | Dr. J. Peter Pham World Defense Review

Good News from Cote d’Ivoire

It often seems that the news media, both traditional and new, operate under a journalistic version of Gresham's Law whereby bad news trumps good news. This certainly appears to be t...

August 29, 2006 | TCS Daily |

Europe’s Munich Moment

In March 2003, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the current French Prime minister, Dominique de Villepin -- then his country's foreign minister -- condemned the Coalition of the Willin...

August 11, 2006 | National Review Online

Connecticut? This is London Calling

We are reading only about 24 arrests today. If we were already in the heralded antiwar world of Ned Lamont and the war-against-the-war crowd, it could be much different. We could just as easily b...