
July 29, 2024 | |

Turkey’s President Threatens Military Action Against Israel

Latest Developments Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened military action against Israel on July 28, a day after 12 children in the Golan Heights town of Majdal Shams were killed by a rocket...

May 25, 2016 | Michael Ledeen

Another Eulogy

Odds are you’ve never heard of Marco Pannella, the longtime leader of the Italian Radical Party, who died last week in Rome.  He was 86, quite surprising for one of the country’s...

February 27, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

Violent Extremist vs. Holy Warrior

Is Barack Hussein Obama wrong to avoid appending “Islamic,” “Muslim,” “Islamist,” or even “jihadist” to the terrorism that has struck the West with...

December 19, 2011 | |

Despite Criticism of Israel, Hitchens was Ardent Foe of Anti-Semitism

Not long ago, I told an older colleague of my admiration for Christopher Hitchens, the Anglo-American author, journalist and public intellectual who finally succumbed to esophageal cancer Thursda...

June 15, 2011 |

The War and the House Divided

It was early 2002, right after the State of the Union Address in which President George W. Bush famously linked Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical Iraqi regime in an “axis of evil” wit...

June 14, 2011 | National Review Online |

Dollars for Durban II

Back to the U.N.

June 2, 2010 | The Weekly Standard

Germany Turns a Blind Eye to Radical Islam

Just as the danger of homegrown political Islam is on display in the United States with the attempted Times Square bombing--the third attempted attack in six months--Germany seems to be recoiling...

October 21, 2009 | |

The Problem of Evil

Since 9/11, Michael Ledeen has been warning that this war against America was never about Afghanistan or Iraq, but has always been a regional war, with malefactors are up to no good around the wo...

October 5, 2009 |

Kurt Westergaard, Free Speech, and Leftist Refuseniks

Has Jack Layton converted to Islam? That's what activist Tarek Fatah...

April 15, 2009 | Wall Street Journal |

Speaking Truth to Muslim Power

Obama does no favors to Islam by ignoring its internal debates.

April 6, 2009 |

Beyond Terrorism

‘Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." This is the battle cry of Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Musli...

October 1, 2008 | Michael Ledeen Speech to Hilldale College |

Understanding Iran

If you read the news carefully, you will find a notable story about Iran every morning. Nine times out of ten it is hilarious. Today’s Iran story is that the head of its armed forces announ...

September 11, 2006 | FrontPage Magazine

Symposium: 9/11: Five Years Later

 On this fifth anniversary of 9/11, Frontpage Symposium has assembled a distinguished panel to discuss the significance of that terror attack, what we have done right and wrong since then, a...

September 7, 2006 | |

Walid Phares’ Testimony Before House Subcommittee

On Thursday, September 7, 2006, FDD's Walid Phares testified before the House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation.  The topic was 9/11: Five Years Later - Gaugi...

August 17, 2006 | National Review Online

Word Choice: Are We at War With “Islamic Fascism”?

Mohamed Eljahmi Bush's use of the term “Islamic fascist” is both sincere and correct. However, the scope of his definition is of limited utility. The problems of the curre...

March 1, 2006 | Clifford D. May |

Hamas Helper

The problem is not that Hamas will not recognize Israel. The problem is that Hamas cannot recognize Israel. Hamas is a terrorist group that has become a political party. More significant...

February 9, 2006 | Clifford D. May FrontPageMagazine

Symposium: Banning Sharia?

Just recently, the Australian government informed its Muslims that those amongst them who want to live under Islamic Sharia law should leave the country. In other words: if secularism is not your...

December 13, 2005 |

The Elephant in the Middle East Living Room

Watching Wahhabis.

February 28, 2005 |

Free Speech for Terrorists?

The nexus in militant Islam between advocacy and actual savagery is no longer contestable. It has been the subject of too much informed analysis and, more importantly, is an empirically demonstra...

January 30, 2005 |

The Reachable Star

War-Ravaged Elections and Human Freedom