1979 Revisited: Judging the Iranian Revolution
Everyone has his or her own judgment as to what is the enduring lesson of the Iranian Revolution. Some are rooted in economic determinism, while others may find strength among social theories. To...
Everyone has his or her own judgment as to what is the enduring lesson of the Iranian Revolution. Some are rooted in economic determinism, while others may find strength among social theories. To...
Eastern Ukraine is falling to pieces. Suicide bombings remain epidemic in Iraq. Much of eastern Syria now is controlled by an al-Qaeda spin-off group that calls itself “Islamic State of Ira...
Watch the hearing here. Chairman Kaine, Ranking Member Risch...
With Russia on his side, Syria’s President Bashar Assad has now agreed to sign on to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which is meant to eliminate chemical weapons from the world once...
How will the Egyptian army&rsqu...
BERLIN — Obama: Ist er ein Berliner? The German weekly Die Zeit posed this question...
We were right to fight in Iraq; we are wrong to stand by in Syria
International lawyers must introspect about how their partisan allegiance clouded their determination of the lawfulness of the 2003 Iraq war. As some celebrate and others decry...
A tawdry new book accuses the late Christopher Hitchens of plagiarism—and worse.
A former Guantanamo detainee named Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane has reportedly been killed while fighting in Syria. T...
In January 2004, the New Republic endorsed Joe Lieberman for president. By this time, recriminations against Democrats who had supported the Iraq War (or, in the parlance of the American...
Ignoring their collusion is dangerous
In the wake of the November 5, 2009 Fort Hood shootings, Steve Hayes and I wrote about the FBI’s and Defense Department’s...
In a web video released Monday, the Obama campaign celebrated the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. “As your commander in chief, and on behalf of a grateful nation, I&...
In 1999, as America prepared to enter the new century, French leaders decried its rising status as a "hyperpower". A hyperpower, explained then French foreign minister Hubert V&ea...
London mayoral candidate Ken Livingstone—whose political future will be determined in today’s election against Conservative incumbent Boris Johnson—has a Jewish problem. He&rsqu...
Ambassador Ryan Crocker, the State Department’s man in Kabul, is clearly concerned about a premature drawdown of American and Western forces from Afghanistan. “If we decide w...
Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer...
Should the United States act to protect Syrian civilians from their murderous regime? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...
Why is it that no one bats an eyelash when a former United States national security adviser says...