George Russell

December 20, 2013 | |

Technology for Tyrants

It's well over a year since the United Nations intellectual property agency got caught undermining the U.N.’s own sanctions—shipping U.S.-origin computers and related high-tech e...

October 12, 2012 | Claudia Rosett The Rosett Report |

Digging Deeper Into the UN’s WIPO Tech for Tyrants Scandal

Congressional investigators of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs are pressing ahead with their inquiry into one of the flashier United Nations scandals of recent times — call it Tech f...

June 13, 2011 | National Review Online

The Company He Keeps

Meet Obama's circle: The same old America-hating Left.

May 13, 2010 | Claudia Rosett |

Paging Ambassador Susan Rice

In secret ballot, the United Nations General Assembly has just elected Libya's dictatorship to one of the 47 seats on the U.N. Human Rights Council. Where in the makings of this travesty was...

October 11, 2008 | Claudia Rosett Wall Street Journal |

The U.N.’s Man of Mystery

Is the godfather of the Kyoto treaty a public servant or a profiteer?

May 3, 2007 |

Global Air Carrier Suspended in U.N. Procurement Investigation

Co-Authored with George Russell The grinding investigation of scandal in the United Nations’ multi-billion-dollar procurement department — an inquiry that has gone o...

February 6, 2007 | |

At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong

Before the United Nations can save the planet, it needs to clean up its own house. And as scandal after scandal has unfolded over the past decade, from Oil for Food to procurement fraud to peacek...

January 24, 2007 | |

Will the U.N. Development Program Probe Be Ban Ki-Moon’s First Cover-Up?

For just one day last week, it looked like Ban, in the first real test of his self-proclaimed mission to “restore trust” at the U.N., had risen above the bureaucratic evasions of his...

April 25, 2006 | |

United Nations Probes Sale of Irreplaceable Stamp Archive

Co-Authored with George Russell Amid the many scandals at the United Nations, a new mystery now looms. What happened to the world organization's unique and valuable postal...

April 3, 2006 | |

How Corrupt is the United Nations?

Recent years have brought a cascade of scandals at the United Nations, of which the wholesale corruption of the Oil-for-Food relief program in Iraq has been only the most visible. We still do not...

March 13, 2006 | |

Old Ties Resurface in New Annan Project at U.N.

Coauthored by George Russell NEW YORK —  United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has just tabled ostensibly radical proposals for reform, at a proposed cost of mo...

February 9, 2006 | |

U.N. Procurement Scandal: How Far Did the Inside Information Travel?

Co-authored by: George Russell UNITED NATIONS —  On April 27, 2005, a U.N. procurement officer named Alexander Yakovlev was working unusually late....

January 22, 2006 | |

U.N. Procurement Scandal: A ‘Culture of Impunity’

UNITED NATIONS —  How bad is the still expanding scandal in the United Nations' multi-billion-dollar procurement division? Based on a still-secret internal investigation, the answ...

December 8, 2005 | |

U.N. Procurement Scandal: The Case of the Official Who Never Was

Co-authored by: George Russell UNITED NATIONS —  Trouble in the United Nations Procurement Division is now well established as the world organization’s successo...

November 21, 2005 | |

New U.N. Scheme: Alliance of Civilizations

Co-authored by: George Russell NEW YORK —  After the epic disaster of Oil for Food, one might imagine the United Nations would tread carefully before launching any ne...

October 26, 2005 | Wall Street Journal |

Business as Usual

Few outside U.N. circles have heard of IHC Services, a private company that for years was one of hundreds of firms selling goods and services to the U.N. As a rule, the U.N. keeps secret most det...

October 20, 2005 | |

U.N. Procurement Scandal: Ties to Saddam and Al Qaeda

Co-authored by: George Russell. The scandal engulfing the United Nations Procurement Department (search) now appears to be bottomless. It also shows signs of growing more sinist...

October 6, 2005 | |

U.N. Procurement Scandal: Secret Information Was Leaked to a Bidder

Co-authored by: George Russell. On the morning of Nov. 6, 2003, an e-mail sped between two business executives at two private firms, bearing an important tip-off about an impend...

October 3, 2005 | |

Procurement Scandal: New Conflict of Interest in Annan’s Inner Circle?

Co-authored by: George Russell. United Nations investigators scrambling to discover the extent of a bribery scandal spreading out from the organization’s procurement depar...

September 5, 2005 | Claudia Rosett |

The U.N.’s Spreading Bribery Scandal: Russian Ties and Global Reach

Co-authored by: George Russell. NEW YORK —  How widespread is the corruption at the United Nations? The multibillion-dollar Iraq Oil-for-Food (search) scandal was jus...