The German ‘anti-Semitism commissioner’ who enables BDS, Jew-hatred and Iran
Rabbi Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center said re Blume that 'the job of an anti-Semitism commissioner is to fight it and not spread it.'
Rabbi Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center said re Blume that 'the job of an anti-Semitism commissioner is to fight it and not spread it.'
Pro-boycott sentiments are present in many federal ministries and state governments.
Berlin should take the lead in punishing the Islamic republic's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei with economic sanctions and a cessation of diplomatic relations until Tehran recognizes Israel's right to exist.
Vicious, often Muslim-animated antisemitism—including violence—has engulfed German cities.
The picture shows a conquered Jerusalem with photos of the late Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani.
“For cosmetic and political reasons BDS groups try, albeit unsuccessfully, to draw a distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism to soft peddle their racist policies."
Merkel rejects appeals to ban Lebanese terrorist group.
Merkel's gov't has refused to outlaw the terrorist entity
“Bild printed a kippah to cut out” because “it should not be allowed” that Jews in Germany have to hide after the Holocaust in order to be safe.
Grenell, the US ambassador to Germany, tweeted: "The opposite is true. Wear your kippa. Wear your friend’s kippa. Borrow a kippa and wear it for our Jewish neighbors."
Felix Klein urges training for police on how to fight anti-Jewish activity
“In past years, Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin decided to deny financial support and municipal rooms, in the future, to the BDS campaign that is hostile to Israel.”
Commissioner against antisemitism in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Michael Blume compared German Jew to Adolf Eichmann.
The bank was classified number 7 on the Wiesenthal Center’s 2018 top 10 list of worst outbreaks of antisemitism.
The group is called Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East and is an energetic supporter of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting the Jewish state.
Bank provides account to NGO that promotes website comparing Israel with Nazis
The city’s promotion of the pro-BDS group comes in stark contrast to the anti-BDS resolution passed on Sunday by the state’s Green Party at its conference.
“Because the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg rejected the BDS campaign, I would like to speak to the state's bank" he said
"It is quite clear that is an event whose aim and purpose is Israel hatred under guise of a pseudo academia."
The online payment service HelloAsso announced that it will continue to provide services to boycott Israel organizations whose accounts were shut down by ...