The Axis of Tyrannies
It will present an enormous challenge to free nations
It will present an enormous challenge to free nations
Those using the word should at least know what it means
A letter to J.D. Vance
My political orientation has evolved slowly over decades. With one exception: I became anti-Soviet and anti-Communist overnight. More quickly than that, actually. The year was 1972. I wa...
The Iran nuclear deal, otherwise known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), that was implemented in January 2016 has emboldened Iran and given its leaders additional resources to pu...
We must wage an ideological war What does “winning” mean and how do we accomplish this against radical Islamists and their allies? It me...
As I wrote in this space a few weeks ago, Donald Trump is no fascist, but there...
No, Donald Trump isn’t a fascist. And the efforts of a considerable number of columnists, reporters, and even university professors to make him out to be a second Hitler or Mussolini testif...
Antisemitism has never been an easy subject for America’s foreign-policy establishment. Read through State Department telegrams and Central Intelligence Agency operational and intelligence...
I've held a number of discussions with people who have direct knowledge of the conversations that took place at this month’s Camp David Summit between President Obama and leaders from...
The New York Times - Read full story......
Learning the wrong lessons can be costly.
Assad’s survival would be a victory for Iran – and a defeat for the U.S.
To prohibit the question is to invite disaster.
Turin, Italy — The Turin book fair this year features Israeli literature, and Israeli president Shimon Peres is coming to the opening ceremony next weekend. Lots of others will be there, to...
En un lado del debate sobre los interrogatorios a terroristas están los Jack Bauers, aquellos que – al igual que el personaje principal de “24”, la exitosa serie de...
It’s not about smugness and narcissism. It’s about shouldering responsibilities that no other nation can or will.
Readers of tea leaves, tarot cards and goat entrails may be able to predict the future. But prognostication is a skill few journalists, politicians, diplomats, and intelligence officials have dem...
Last week, executives from two public German television channels hosted Ezzatollah Zarghami, the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Zarghami allegedly has ties to the...
What can be done to advance American strength? The list is long and the mission is urgent. It starts with this: Strengthening America must become a priority. That is not the case at present as an...