Just how useful are the ‘useful idiots’?
Not very. Unlike the PLO, Hamas doesn’t care whether it has Jewish cheerleaders since its goal is to eradicate Jews from the face of the earth.
Not very. Unlike the PLO, Hamas doesn’t care whether it has Jewish cheerleaders since its goal is to eradicate Jews from the face of the earth.
The death of perhaps history’s greatest espionage writer John le Carré in December 2020 sparked a series of lively debates about the British novelist’s contradictory views toward Zionism, Jews and...
“If anti-Israeli boycott and delegitimization campaigns are directly supported, the line regarding Israel-related antisemitism was crossed."
Social Democratic Foundation worked with terrorist entity Hezbollah.
German Jews explain why they are relocating to Israel.
The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation – a think tank for German Chance...
Russia knows how to spread chaos and outrage in American politics, but Russia may pose a far greater...
Ronald Reagan was tough on totalitarians. On March 8, 1983 -- and to the chagrin of many of his advisors – he disparaged the Soviet Union as an...
Berlin Mayor Michael Müller issued a scathing condemnation of the anti-Israel boycott campaign because of its protest against the Jewish state on Friday, the memorial day for the Kristallnac...
The historian Jeffrey Herf's profound new book shows that German-animated left-wing terrorism targeting Israel was not a tactic but rather part of a long-war strategy to destroy the Jewish s...
Europe's Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement has long percolated down through many layers of society. However, this month saw a range of countervailing forces designed to blunt the mo...
A study released last week in Berlin showed widespread anti-Semitism among left-wing Germans. According to the academic survey conducted by the Free University of Berlin, 34 percent of t...
Rocked by a wave of sexual assaults committed by migrant men, Germany is fighting back with cartoons, in a PC campaign critics say would be comical if it didn’t address such a serious issue...
Who are they anyway? IS, the Islamic State, that is. There are two big components: religious fanatics and totalitarian leaders. The secret of IS’ success lies in combin...
German novelist Günter Grass, the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Tin Drum, an epic treatment of the Nazi era, died on Monday at the age of 87, his publishers said. A broad-should...
There is probably no harder beat in Washington than intelligence. Journalists rarely have sources inside the Central Intelligence Agency who are not authorized, and when they do, o...
BERLIN — Obama: Ist er ein Berliner? The German weekly Die Zeit posed this question...
Sixty-five years after the end of World War II, it's reassuring to know that Germany has 'no place for Neonazis.' A more pressin
The University of Potsdam, located near Berlin, triggered sharp criticism from German academics this week because of its joint academic program with the University of Religions and Denominations,...
Can Germany's Angela Merkel hold fast against Greek brinksmanship?