Al-Qaeda’s Offensive Against Iraq’s Sahwa
Co-authored by Bridget Moreng Though it was largely considered a spent force at the time the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, al-Qaeda in Iraq’s (AQI) rebound is by now unden...
Co-authored by Bridget Moreng Though it was largely considered a spent force at the time the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, al-Qaeda in Iraq’s (AQI) rebound is by now unden...
Twelve years ago today, we were staring at smoking rubble in downtown Manhattan and at the Pentagon, counting the dead, wondering who had committed this atrocity and why, fearful of what they mig...
In April 2011, a post appeared on the leading jihadist web forum Shumukh al-Islam authored by a little known writer called Abu As...
I like bipartisanship as much as the next guy. Still, the Washington Post...
Introduction Chairman Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member Deutch, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for inviting me to testify today about Iran&rs...
Many conservatives suspect that the U.S. State Dep...
After nearly two days of editing, then CIA director David Petraeus was sent the revised Benghazi talking points on September 15, 2012. He was less than impressed, to put it mildly. &ldqu...
"A cock has no shame.” That’s what it said on the little plaque on the door of the espionage instructor. He’d been discovered a few nights earlier going at it with a female juni...
Syria’s dictator’s, and the rest of the Iranian-led resistance bloc’s, well-placed advocates in Washington.
The general was one of few who understood that Iran was at war with the US, and no bargain could be struck
Back in 2006, I was asked to deliver a series of lectures at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto. At the time, the Ted Haggard scandal had just become big news in the U.S. Haggard...
In this report from the future, the U.S. pulls out of the Gulf as the Saudis cozy up to Avigdor Lieberman
For years, Bashar al Assad's regime sponsored the flow of suicide bombers and foreign fighters into Iraq...
Will they (the Israelis) or won’t they? And if so, when? I know the answers, but you’re not going to like them. The answers are all the same: we don’t...
On July 18, a bomb killed at least three top officials from Bashar al Assad's crumbling regime. Among them was Assef Shawkat, the deputy defense minister and former head of Syrian military i...
On Wednesday, July 18, a bomb killed at least three top officials from Bashar al Assad’s crumbling regime. Among them was Assef Shawkat, the deputy defense minister and former head of Syria...
How tough justice keeps us free.
Turkey and even Iraq's Kurds would help Syria's rebels if the U.S. showed it is serious.
“Groundhog day, over and over again,” is how Ambassador John Bolton has described U.S....
US attack helicopters killed 28 Pakistani troops manning a border outpost along the Afghan border, according to Pakistani military officials. Pakistan has retaliated by closing the vital Khyber P...