David B. Rivkin

July 17, 2019 | |

Thirty-Five Former U.S. Officials and Policy Experts Ask Treasury Department to Safeguard Global Financial System by Sanctioning New Iran Trade Vehicle

(Washington, DC, July 16, 2019) – A group of 35 policy experts and former U.S. officials – including two former senators, four former officials with rank of ambassador, and a form...

October 16, 2018 | |

Former Government Officials, Policy Experts Support SWIFT Sanctions on Iran

FDD scholars among 30 experts who urge removing Iranian banks from financial service

October 30, 2017 |

Former Government Officials and Experts Support Efforts to Fix Iran Nuclear Deal

Washington, D.C., October 30, 2017 – Following President Donald Trump’s decision to refrain from certifying Iran’s compliance with the Iran nuclear deal under the Congressionall...

March 4, 2016 | David B. Rivkin, Jr.

Apple, the FBI and free speech: Column

It would be one thing if Apple could carry out a court order that it unlock an iPhone used by the San Bernardino terrorists simply by waving a magic wand. But encryption isn’t magic; the or...

September 7, 2015 | |

A Side Agreement Could Void the Iran Deal

Co-authored by Mike Pompeo The Iran Nuclear Ag...

July 21, 2015 | |

Taking the Iran Deal Disaster Seriously

The best approach to Iran in the wake of President Obama’s deal is to recognize the complex nature of the problem, and the absolute need for a well-considered and comprehensive approach. Th...

April 22, 2015 | Clifford D. May |

Times That Try Congressmen’s Souls

Will members defend America’s national security, sovereignty and Constitution?

March 18, 2015 | Clifford D. May |

A Farewell to Arms Control Treaties

The philosopher Lily Tomlin used to say: “No matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up.” Has that ever been truer than it is in Washington right now? Last week,...

May 22, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy Ordered Liberty

The Supreme Court Enters the Surveillance Debate

Since 2004, the Supreme Court’s transnational progressive bloc has forged a novel — and, in my view, a damaging — judicial oversight role in American national security. The whim...

May 15, 2012 | |

Criticizing Netanyahu, Barak on Iran is a Luxury Israel Can’t Afford

The critics should look no further than the U.S. to see what consequences can ensue.

April 27, 2012 |

Virginia Detainee Law is Dangerously Unconstitutional

Co-authored by Charles D. Stimson The United States has just lost a key ally in the fight against al-Qaeda terrorists: the residents of Virginia, and state employees in par...

October 27, 2011 | Roll Call |

Bill’s Detainee Provisions Reaffirm the Law of War

Co-authored by Lee A. Casey Gen. David Irvine’s objections to the detainee...

March 17, 2011 |

With Stroke of a Pen, Obama Gives Terrorists an Edge

Co-Authored with Lee A. Casey Under the guise of "reaffirming America's commitment to humane treatment of detainees," the Obama administration announced last week a revolut...

October 6, 2010 |

Judge Excludes Damning Testimony Against Al Qaeda Terrorist, Ahmed Ghailani

A judge's reason for excluding damning testimony against al Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani makes no sense. The government’s case against Ahmed Ghailani, the terrorist who part...

May 10, 2010 | Los Angeles Times

Civilian Trial For 9/11 Suspects Should Be Off The Table

Holding such a trial would not only put classified information at risk but also put a dozen unlucky jurors potentially in harm's

June 7, 2009 |

Inconsistent Interrogation Tales

As the controversy continues over what and when Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew about the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation methods (EIM), there is a significant overlooked dimension to this Was...

June 4, 2009 | Clifford D. May |

Obama Derangement Syndrome?

Long afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome, Rall has his knickers in a knot now because he thinks Obama has a plan for "preventive detentions." He claims to have seen "reports in U.S. state-co...

April 23, 2009 | Clifford D. May

Shock Therapy

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind behind the terrorist atrocities of Sept. 11, 2001. If U.S. intelligence operatives had spotted him in a remote area of Pakistan and killed him with a Pre...

January 1, 2007 | Andrew McCarthy The New Criterion

Is The Nation State Threatened?

 “Is the Nation State Threatened?” This question, though apt, may fail to convey how dire the threat to sovereignty truly is. It might be better to ask, “Is the Nation Stat...

July 6, 2005 |

Is It a War, or Isn’t It?The London Bombings and Different Approaches to Terror

Unfortunately, points like these are best made when terror strikes and the collective public mind is focused. So it is worth pausing today to consider that British law and government have many fe...