Condoleezza Rice

October 29, 2024 | David Daoud |

Naim Qassem vows Hezbollah will continue fighting

Naim Qassem, newly appointed as Hezbollah’s secretary-general, has become the centerpiece of the group’s narrative efforts. On October 15, as then-deputy secretary-general, he gave his third speech...

April 3, 2024 | Clifford D. May |

Tehran’s weapons of mass distraction

They conceal Tehran’s development of weapons of mass destruction

September 3, 2022 | Reuel Marc Gerecht, Ray Takeyh

Waiting for Thermidor: America’s Foreign Policy Towards Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran may be on an accelerated schedule for revolutionary decay, at least if compared to the USSR.

August 3, 2022 | Clifford D. May |

Facing failure in Lebanon

Why the U.S. should stop subsidizing Tehran’s proxy

June 1, 2022 | Jonathan Schanzer |

Hamas as Tehran’s Agent

Since the late 1980s, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been plying the Hamas terrorist group with cash and weapons while also teaching it how to be self-sufficient. With hundreds of millions of dollars...

November 22, 2021 | Anthony Ruggiero |

Iran nuclear talks are restarting, but they’re pointless: Biden needs a bipartisan strategy

President Joe Biden’s Iran policy is failing, and the indirect negotiations restarting in Vienna Nov. 29 won’t yield a win. Biden assumed that goodwill gestures and proactive concessions would bring...

October 7, 2021 | David Maxwell |

Lessons from the Philippines: Irregular Warfare in Action

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the world watched as the United States began a punitive expedition to Afghanistan to kill or capture Osama bin Laden, oust the Taliban, and prevent the use of Afghanistan...

July 28, 2021 | Mark Dubowitz |

How to Use Antisemitism Against Antisemites

Jewish power in America? When Sapir approached me to contribute an essay to this issue, my first instinct was to decline. I was born in South Africa and raised and educated in Canada. I became a U.S. citizen...

February 22, 2021 | Matthew Zweig, Alireza Nader, Richard Goldberg

Biden Administration Should Not Provide Sanctions Relief for Terrorism

As President Joe Biden looks to rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran is likely to pressure the Biden administration to provide broad sanctions relief,...

February 2, 2020 | Tony Badran |

Rock, Paper, Scissors in the Middle East

Trump’s is the latest play in a decadeslong game of trying to counter previous ‘peace process’ moves by each new American administration

December 2, 2018 | John Hannah

Once Upon a Time, U.S. Foreign Policy Worked

George H.W. Bush's administration was evidence of what the establishment was capable of.

December 15, 2017 | Reuel Marc Gerecht, Mark Dubowitz

Deceptive Deja Vu

In France, all right-thinking people know instinctively what the pensée unique is—the socially acceptable view on any subject that ensures a Parisian won’t get axed from the be...

November 29, 2017 | John Hannah

Two Cheers for Rex

I rarely find myself thinking along similar lines as fellow Foreign Policy contributor Stephen Walt. Nevertheless, just as I was contemplating an article that would take note of a few o...

July 3, 2017 | Grant Rumley |

The Political Education of Mahmoud Abbas

Co-written by Amir Tibon. When Israeli tanks besieged Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah in 2002, the Palestinian leader famously declared, “Oh God, grant...

July 15, 2016 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

The Chilcot Report

The Chilcot report on the Iraq war ought to elicit two emotions: sympathy and pity for former British prime minister Tony Blair. As was evident by late 2002, when Europeans saw the fri...

March 23, 2016 | Clifford D. May

When universities become day care centers

Back in 1993, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a New York Democrat, warned against “defining deviancy down.” He was talking specifically about crime, about our getting used to it and not...

July 9, 2015 |

The Gulf Cooperation Council Camp David Summit: Any Results?

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member Deutch, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee: thank you on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies for the opportunity to testify before...

February 5, 2015 | |

Obama and the U.S. Interfere in Israeli Politics Far More Than the Other Way Around

The commentariat is buzzing over whether House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s to address a joint meeting of Congress in March represe...

November 25, 2014 | Michael Ledeen |

Khamenei Spits in Our Face Again—and We Pay for the Pleasure

He did it again, as we should have expected.  Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei walked us right up to the finish line, spat on us, and walked away. Months and months of secret an...

October 20, 2014 | Michael Ledeen

The Iraqi WMDs and Other Disgraces

We are beginning to learn that the Bush administration declined to talk about the discovery of thousands of WMDs in Iraq. But that’s only the beginning of the story, since that policy was j...