Is German Chancellor Angela Merkel Endangering Jewish Life?
Vicious, often Muslim-animated antisemitism—including violence—has engulfed German cities.
Vicious, often Muslim-animated antisemitism—including violence—has engulfed German cities.
“If associations in our country support the work of antisemitic organizations, then these may not be privileged fiscally,” Uwe Becker said.
Felix Klein urges training for police on how to fight anti-Jewish activity
“In past years, Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin decided to deny financial support and municipal rooms, in the future, to the BDS campaign that is hostile to Israel.”
The bank was classified number 7 on the Wiesenthal Center’s 2018 top 10 list of worst outbreaks of antisemitism.
The German bank Sparkasse last week closed the account of the International Alliance – an organization that sympathizes with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) t...
The Electricity Conference in the city of Düsseldorf disinvited the anti-Israel British musician and producer Brian Eno on Tuesday from its slated October event because of his advocacy of th...
Armin Laschet, the governor of Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia, announced on Tuesday that he will not attend the Ruhrtriennale arts and music festival because it has n...
Uwe Becker, the deputy mayor and city treasurer for Frankfurt, announced on Tuesday that artists who support the boycott campaign targeting the Jewish state are not welcome in...
Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter slammed Roger Waters, co-founder of the British band Pink Floyd, for his stoking of antisemitism against Israel, triggering an angry reaction from the singer on Friday....
The federal commissioner for combating antisemitism in Germany, Felix Klein, blasted Germany’s largest broadsheet paper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) on Wednesday for publishing an antisemi...
For the second time in 30 days, the US-based online payment service giant PayPal shut down the account of a French organization advocating for the boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) campaign ta...
The German public television outlet WDR canceled its slated cooperation concert with the former Pink Floyd band member Roger Waters on Saturday because of a wave of protest against the singer&rsq...
The Jewish community in the city of Mannheim broke off talks and exchanges with the Turkish Ditib religious association because its headquarters in Ankara spreads antisemitism, the Mannheimer Mor...
Editors from the Franco- German TV network ARTE have reneged on showing a widely acclaimed documentary on the explosion of lethal antisemitism in Europe, because the film is considered pro-Israel...
A Cologne city court shut down an anti-Israel exhibit on Cathedral Square. The prosecutor argued on Friday that the exhibit, which shows 15 pictures of dead and injured Gazan children wh...
Ever since Iran’s clandestine nuclear weapons program was first exposed in 2002, efforts to convince Tehran to abandon the program have focused on two strategies. One is diplomacy and dialo...
BERLIN, Germany - Last week the German interior ministry stepped up its efforts against a growing Salafist network in the Federal Republic, stating that "[t]he organization acts in opposition to...
Berlin — Europe in general and Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in particular have traditionally pursued a dual strategy of “critical dialogue” and “change throu...