Christopher Eric Hitchens

January 12, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht The Washington Examiner

CIA Bides its Time

The CIA’s Directorate of Operations doesn’t have an acute memory. But it does have durable institutional sentiments. So here’s a guess: In a few years, few operatives in the cla...

December 17, 2014 | Clifford D. May

America Needs Its Rough Men

In spring 2009, I was invited to debate “torture” with Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show.” He gave me an opportunity to make a case with which he vehemently disagreed. He did...

September 10, 2014 | Clifford D. May |

Thirteen Years After 9/11

Do not call what happened 13 years ago this week a tragedy. It was a terrorist atrocity, an act of war and a war crime. Very different.   The self-proclaimed jihadis responsible for...

January 3, 2014 | Clifford D. May |

The Persian Triangle

On November 24, 2013, a “Joint Plan of Action” was concluded in Geneva by Iran and the permanent members of the UN Security Council—the United States, the United Kingdom, France...

February 27, 2013 |

A Nasty Piece of Work

A tawdry new book accuses the late Christopher Hitchens of plagiarism—and worse.

June 25, 2012 | James Kirchick World Affairs Journal |

Read Me If You Can: Censorship Today

You Can’t Read This Book: Censorship in an Age of Freedom Nick Cohen (London: Fourth Estate, 2012) If I complacently accept the idea that...

December 19, 2011 | James Kirchick Tablet |

The Happy Warrior

My memories of Christopher Hitchens

December 19, 2011 | |

Despite Criticism of Israel, Hitchens was Ardent Foe of Anti-Semitism

Not long ago, I told an older colleague of my admiration for Christopher Hitchens, the Anglo-American author, journalist and public intellectual who finally succumbed to esophageal cancer Thursda...

December 19, 2011 |

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel, a Revolutionary Who Always ‘Lived Within the Truth’

In 1985, then dissident and future Czech president Vaclav Havel, who died Sunday at the age of 75, wrote an essay...

November 4, 2011 | James Kirchick Index on Censorship

Charlie Hebdo Attack: No More Excuses

There exists an unspoken rule in the Republic of Letters — that land where novelists, poets, mere ink-stained wretches like myself, think tank scholars who churn out dry policy reports&hell...

August 4, 2011 | Faster, Please! |

The Real War, Ignored as Usual

The Soviets always used to say “if you say A, you must do B,” meaning that words had to have consequences.  Yes, it’s a commonplace banality, one of those things that&rsquo...

October 5, 2009 |

Kurt Westergaard, Free Speech, and Leftist Refuseniks

Has Jack Layton converted to Islam? That's what activist Tarek Fatah...

July 13, 2007 |

The ACLU Loses in Court

The American Civil Liberties Union's Steven Shapiro is one of the best lawyers in the United States. Still, he was flat wrong when he told the New York Times that a federal appeals court&#03...

March 14, 2007 |


Lewis Libby’s lawyers are quietly filing appeals while President Bush privately ponders arguments for and against a pardon. But now is not the time for this controversy to fade away. Now is...

October 1, 2006 | Clifford D. May The American Spectator

Myths of War: The Ten Most Widely Believed Distortions About the Global Conflict Now Underway

Co-Authored with Alykhan Velshi Ronald Reagan once said: “It’s not that liberals are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true.&rdquo...

April 16, 2006 |

Iraq Is the War on Terror

The Bush administration evidently believes revisiting the case for toppling Saddam Hussein is a political loser. That this conclusion — which, of course, has played in the media like a taci...

March 15, 2006 | Clifford D. May

Get Zarqawi

For a moment, focus on the present. Right now, there are three reasons the United States needs to be in Iraq. The most important: to fight al-Qaeda, the leader of the global Militant Islamist mov...

July 13, 2005 | Clifford D. May

What’s Left? Answer: A Few Liberal Hawks

The war in Iraq is a neo-conservative project, right?  Yes, in the sense that in the aftermath of 9/11, President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and S...

February 15, 2005 | Tech Central Station

Opposition During Wartime

By: Andrew Apostolou. Opposing a government in wartime is proving to be a frustrating experience for the political enemies of president George W. Bush and prime minister Tony Bl...

July 7, 2004 | Clifford D. May |

Michael Moore, Hezbollah Heartthrob

"Fahrenheit 9/11" is making mega-bucks in American theaters and -- with some help from terrorists who also are Michael Moore fans -- it could prove a blockbuster in the Middle East too....