Germany to Send More Weapons to Israel
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed on October 9 that Germany will continue to supply Israel with weapons. “We have delivered arms and we will deliver arms,” Scholz stated...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed on October 9 that Germany will continue to supply Israel with weapons. “We have delivered arms and we will deliver arms,” Scholz stated...
To great fanfare, Berlin announced in April 2020 that it outlawed all activities of the Lebanese terrorist movement Hezbollah within the territory of the Federal Republic. However, the ban remains a...
Rabbi Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center said re Blume that 'the job of an anti-Semitism commissioner is to fight it and not spread it.'
Back in 2008, the Wall Street Journal ran an editorial titled “Germany Loves Iran” and a piece headlined “Berlin ♥ Iran III” that covered workshops designed to help companies boost trade with...
German regional governments and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration continue to ignore the federal parliament’s 2019 resolution condemning the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign targeting...
Pro-boycott sentiments are present in many federal ministries and state governments.
With German federal elections set for September 26, the center-left German Green Party is polling well, and has a solid chance to be part of the next government. For many German Jews and Israel, and...
The 66-year-old man has been detained by the Iranian government since July 2020
Vicious, often Muslim-animated antisemitism—including violence—has engulfed German cities.
Swiss and German economic deals might be aiding Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program…. The Swiss firm Ceresola TLS reached an agreement [in 2010] with the Rahab Engineering Establishment...
"The decision of the German parliament towards Israel was wrong and might help by weakening the role and position of the Jewish state."
Nouripour should quit due to "his Iranian identity: there is only one dictatorship in this world that has an antisemitic state doctrine, namely the Islamic Republic.”
He seeks resolution based on Austria's anti-BDS measure.
“For cosmetic and political reasons BDS groups try, albeit unsuccessfully, to draw a distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism to soft peddle their racist policies."
Mbembe and another academic took the lead to boycott Prof. Shifra Sagy, a psychology professor at Ben-Gurion University, who was disinvited from the South African Stellenbosch University’s conference in 2018.
“Holocaust was a fraud,” screams Khamenei paper
Germany’s interior ministry on Thursday outlawed all of Hezbollah activities within the Federal Republic, boosting the chances of a European-wide ban on the U.S.-designated Lebanese terrorist entity. “The...
The Foreign Ministry on Heiko Maas’s watch has faced allegations of stoking Jew-hatred.
Humboldt University expelled Jewish students and academics in 1930's
Last year, the Bild paper in Germany said Green Party member Claudia Roth made “antisemitism socially respectable” by enthusiastically meeting with the head of Iran’s quasi-Parliament Ali Larijani.