Biden Brags About Diplomacy. It’s All Spin.
If an ally recalls its ambassador, it’s a sign of an epic blunder.
If an ally recalls its ambassador, it’s a sign of an epic blunder.
One small step for British sovereignty is amounting to one large leap for economic statecraft. In a historic, but underreported move this summer, the U.K. government issued its first tranche of penalties...
A new report highlights various schemes by Vladimir Putin.
While America staggers from coronavirus lockdown to riot curfew, China is pushing out at sea, on its borders, in its legal claims, and in the global economy. America and its allies have begun to realize...
The new EU foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, traveled to Tehran this week to salvage the almost-dead Iran nuclear deal. Borell’s mission had little hope of success, however, since the European Union...
Anti-Semites suffer defeats in the U.K. and the U.S.
The barn-burning revelations in the British newspaper Daily Mail in August that ...
It’s tempting to say that Europe’s leaders lack the courage of their convictions. But that would imply that they have convictions. The evidence suggests those days are gone....
The defeat of the far-right politician Norbert Hofer in Austria’s presidential election on Sunday conjures up the writings of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830- 1916), who quipped about her...
Andrew Roberts, one of the world’s great historians, took America to task last week. Let me rephrase that: He took Americans to task for what they — or rather we — are doing to...
“Trump, Brexit, Migration: Is the world on fire?” This was the topical question explored by five panellists last month at a Toronto event sponsored by three organizations: th...
Whether you think the United Kingdom exiting the European Union is cause for alarm or celebration, you have to concede this: Britons engaged in an open, lively and mostly peaceful debate, they tu...
Chairman of FDD's Leadership Council Jim Woolsey comments on Brexit. ...
I’m not much of an expert on Great Britain; when I took my doctoral exams at the University of Wisconsin in Western European History, the Brits weren’t included. We...