Brent Scowcroft

December 2, 2018 | John Hannah

Once Upon a Time, U.S. Foreign Policy Worked

George H.W. Bush's administration was evidence of what the establishment was capable of.

August 24, 2015 | John Hannah |

Don’t Call Obama’s Iran Diplomacy ‘Reaganesque’

Brent Scowcroft’s Aug. 23 op-ed, “An...

May 31, 2013 | Reuel Marc Gerecht, Mark Dubowitz

Forget Diplomacy: With Iran, Pressure Works

Diplomats often have a hard time being frank for the entirely understandable reason that they have to talk to the same foreigners day after day. Their love of process – the elevation of mea...

September 25, 2012 |

Give Paul Ryan His Foreign Policy Due

Eager to discredit Paul Ryan, liberals can’t decide whether to caricature the Republican vice presidential nomine...

July 18, 2012 | Lee Smith Tablet |

What Condi Says About Romney

Floating Rice’s name as a possible vice president shows the Romney campaign’s lack of foreign-policy smarts

May 6, 2012 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Obama’s Way of War

Is Barack Obama a warrior president? Not in the British tradition, of course, which gave us Winston Churchill, with his crazy cavalry charge against Sudanese spears, or the more cerebral Harold M...

June 14, 2011 | National Review Online

Would a President McCain Have Invaded Iraq?

A doubter's analysis.

June 13, 2011 | National Review Online |

Talking Cure

Obama's flawed thinking.

February 4, 2011 | Wall Street Journal

Three Qualities That Made Reagan Great

During my nine years in the White House, I had the good fortune to work for three presidents—Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and, for the last four, Ronald Reagan, whom I served as national secu...

June 22, 2010 | |


In the annals of “big policy ideas,” perhaps none has had as much staying power in the face of a dismal track record than the seemingly perpetual conviction that integrating Syria int...

June 22, 2009 | |

The June 12 Revolution

The modern Middle East has had numerous "game-changing" moments, when history turned. Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt in 1798, Muhammad Ali's conquest of the Nile Valley in 1805,...

March 16, 2009 |

The Administration Kowtows

Are the Chinese people alone now?

March 15, 2009 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please!

The Appeasers

Winston Churchill: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

March 10, 2009 | |

The Syria-Iran Alliance

In recent years, a number of erroneous notions have been re-injected into the policy discourse on the thirty-year old alliance between Syria and Iran. Statements such as "prying Syria away from I...

January 9, 2007 | Clifford D. May |

El momento de la paz en Oriente Medio: No es ahora

Resolver el conflicto árabe-israelí sería algo maravilloso. Pero la realidad nos dice que por más de medio siglo, todos los presidentes americanos han intentado encont...

January 9, 2007 | Clifford D. May |

A Time for Middle East Peace

Resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict would be a wonderful thing. But the reality is that for more than a half century, every American president has attempted to find a magic formula that would bri...

October 10, 2006 | National Review Online

Too Much Make-Believe

In the early years of the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was effectively cut off from all sources of raw film stock. Luckily for the Soviets, cheap copies of the silent films imported during the wa...

July 5, 2006 | The New York Sun

History as a Cartoon

It is no secret that the attacks of September 11, 2001, resulted in two wars. The first was the one in which the United States finally engaged with Islamic terrorists, who had declared war when t...

April 26, 2006 | |

To Bomb, or Not to Bomb

WHEN I WAS RECENTLY in Paris, a French diplomat explained to me why he--and many others in the French foreign ministry--thought the United States would, in the end, bomb Iran's nuclear-weapo...

October 13, 2004 | National Interest

The Sunni Strategic Surprise

By: Andrew Apostolou. The debate over the continuing violence in Iraq is missing an important element: an appreciation of enemy strategy and tactics. The presidential campaigns,...