Bill Kristol

April 17, 2017 | Benjamin Weinthal |

How Iran Enables Syria’s Chemical Warfare Against Civilians

The 59 Tomahawk missiles the US fired at the Shayrat Air Base served to punish dictator Bashar Assad for his use of chemical weapons against civilians. The strikes on April 6 also helped...

November 16, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Analysis: Will France Invoke NATO’s Article 5 to Declare War on Islamic State?

To confront comprehensively the Islamic State terrorist attacks on French soil, there have been calls for France’s President François Hollande to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty,...

January 20, 2015 | Michael Ledeen |

The Citizen’s Guide to Regime Change

All of a sudden, it’s OK to talk seriously about regime change in Iran and even elsewhere.  It had been a taboo subject since the final years of the G.W. Bush administration, aside fro...

January 30, 2014 | Clifford D. May |

Iran and Diplomacy vs. Engagement

‘Iran’s rulers are not open to engagement no matter what mix of carrots and sticks are offered.” Peter Beinart, a contributing editor of The Atlantic, attributed that r...

January 9, 2014 | Mark Dubowitz |

Conservatives Push Congress On Iran

As Congress contemplates passing new Iran sanctions over the objections of t...

November 5, 2012 | Claudia Rosett The Rosett Report

Benghazi and the Missing Obama 9/11 Timeline

The story of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi has been evolving for more than seven weeks now, in its many and oft conflicting variants, and the questions keep multiplying. Amid the offi...

July 23, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Take Immediate Action to Establish Safe Zones in Syria

Washington, D.C.—A bipartisan group of sixty-two foreign policy experts and former U.S. government officials signed an open letter today urging President Obama to adopt a strategy that will...

June 20, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal National Review Online |

Time to End Empty Negotiations with Iran?

The latest round of negotiations to end Iran’s illicit nuclear activities have, not surprisingly, come and gone without an agreement. &ldqu...

May 21, 2012 |

From Democracy to Sharia

The ‘Arab Spring’ shows that democratic process is useless without democratic culture.

May 16, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Conflicting Definitions of ‘Pro-Israel’ on Either Side of the Atlantic

During a recent trip to Washington, I was introduced to an Israeli diplomat as the JPost's European Correspondent. The diplomat issued a tart reply laced with biting sarcasm: "My cond...

April 10, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

What Obama Must Do in Syria After the Failed Annan Plan

A Joint Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) The Assad regime’s brutality against the Syrian people continues unabated,...

February 17, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

Foreign Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Take Immediate Action in Syria

Foreign Poli...

December 19, 2011 | FPI/FDD |

Foreign Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Take Action Against Assad

Foreign Poli...

December 19, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Punching Back Against Obama’s Israel Policy

Yesterday, the Emergency Committee for Israel — a group that has played a decisive role in the defeat of Democratic congressional candidates with checkered records of support for the Jewish...

November 8, 2011 | FPI/FDD |

Towards a Post-Assad Syria

    Towards a Post-Assad Syria: Options for the United States and Like-Minded Nations to Further Assist the Anti-Regime Syrian Opposition A Discussion Paper Prepared by the Foreign...

October 25, 2011 | Policy Options for U.S. Response |

The Assad Regime’s Continuing Mass Murder of Syrians

  The Assad Regime’s Continuing Mass Murder of Syrians: Policy Options for U.S. Response   A Joint Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) and the Foundation...

July 21, 2011 | Clifford D. May |

The Great Alawite Hope

Belief in Bashar al-Assad was always misplaced. Now it’s time for change.

April 27, 2011 |

Al-Qaeda, Yes; DOMA, No

The modern-day John Adams brigade down at King & Spalding has finally found a client too unpopular to merit representation: the American people. That is exactly the same conclusion drawn by E...

March 30, 2011 | |

Middle East Howlers

A “howler,” the Wall Street Journal called it in an editorial yesterday. That certainly is a fitting description of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest mindboggling fora...

March 10, 2011 |

Libya Commentary

In this morning’s column, I argue against intervention in Libya’s internal strife — a battle proponents of intervention portray as the incorrigibly terrorist anti-American Qadda...