Axis of evil

June 17, 2024 | Yurij Wowczuk, Ivana Stradner

Chinese and Russian Influence Operations Threaten Safety of Jewish and Ukrainian Students

Russia, China, and Iran are waging information wars against Western countries, particularly at universities, and it’s Ukrainian and Jewish students who are paying the price.

March 15, 2023 | Waller R. Newell, Clifford D. May

The Axis of Tyrannies

It will present an enormous challenge to free nations

June 9, 2022 | Ivana Stradner, Michael Rubin

Henry Kissinger’s Long History of Appeasing Dictatorships

He’s spent decades cultivating a friendship with Putin, but he’s also advocated for Iran and China.

March 13, 2022 | Anthony Ruggiero, Michael Rubin

North Korea Shows How the Iranian Nuclear Deal Will Fail

Nuclear negotiations with North Korea have shown us that limited nuclear deals allow the proliferator the time and space to develop nuclear weapons.

September 9, 2021 | Anthony Ruggiero |

Washington is ready to fall into Kim Jong Un’s trap, again

How many times will the United States pay North Korea to shut down the same nuclear reactor? The answer so far is three, although the Biden White House seems increasingly ready to make it four. North Korea...

July 19, 2017 | Clifford D. May |

The proliferation problem from hell

On the surface, Iran and North Korea could hardly be...

October 13, 2015 | Michael Ledeen |

The New Axis of Evil

Do you remember the Axis of Evil?  It was one of the major themes of President George W. Bush’s State of the Union speech in 2002, 4 months after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Unite...

January 6, 2015 | John Hannah Foreign Policy |

It’s Time to Pursue Regime Change in Iran

There are lots of reasons to be skeptical that 2015 will see a diplomatic breakthrough in efforts to end Iran’s nuclear weapons bid. But one of the more compelling...

March 19, 2014 | Michael Ledeen |

The Big Story — the Global War — Goes Mostly Unreported

The “news” is resolutely out of context.  A subject about which virtually nothing is known–the mystery of the missing airplane–gets saturation “coverage,”...

October 10, 2013 | Michael Ledeen |

The Obama-Rouhani Communication Efforts Are No Historic Breakthrough

There's just something about Iran, perhaps an old Jedi trick, that clouds Western minds. No matter how many times one presents experts and journalists with the facts, they go right on repeat...

January 28, 2013 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

The Obama Doctrine: Is he an Imperialist With a Little Foot, or Just an Old-Fashioned Appeaser?

Here comes Ross Douthat, trying to sort out Obama’s foreign policy.  He’s got...

March 5, 2012 | James Kirchick Commentary |

The Deceits of Seymour Hersh

Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer...

January 30, 2012 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Drones Are Not Enough

Getting counterterrorism policy wrong.

October 25, 2011 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

A Pattern of Appeasement and Retreat

Take two headlines, one about Iraq, the other about Afghanistan.  The Iraqis told us to honor our signed agreement, and pull out all our troops by year’s end.  Over in Kabul,...

November 29, 2010 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

Cablegate? I Kinda Like It, Actually

Shortly before I went to work at the State Department, back in the last century, I asked Henry Kissinger for advice, and he had quite a bit of it. One terse statement has stayed with me: "the onl...

November 8, 2010 | Claudia Rosett Pajamas Media |

You Know Burma’s “Elections” Are a Sham When…

... a delegation of "election observers" is led by the ambassador of North Korea. I'm not kidding. Burma held "elections" this past Sunday, and tucked near the end of...

October 21, 2009 | |

The Problem of Evil

Since 9/11, Michael Ledeen has been warning that this war against America was never about Afghanistan or Iraq, but has always been a regional war, with malefactors are up to no good around the wo...

September 17, 2009 | |

Axis Of Opportunism

The bad old Axis of Evil is back in the news. That's not because President Barack Obama has resurrected the label, but because he's now planning to hold direct talks with its two surviv...

March 5, 2004 | FrontPageMagazine

Venezuela: The Next Cuba

As Venezuela’s embattled democratic opposition gears up for its planned August referendum against that South American nation's increasingly authoritarian ruler, President Hugo Chavez i...

January 20, 2004 | Clifford D. May National Review Online |

On Offense: Bush’s “forward strategy.”

Think of Tuesday night's speech as the third part of a trilogy. In his 2002 State of the Union, President Bush forged Iraq, Iran, and North Korea into an "Axis of Evil" that must not be allo...