Anglo American plc

July 23, 2023 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Cloak and Swagger

REVIEW: ‘Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West’ by Calder Walton

January 8, 2022 | Cleo Paskal |

‘It’s time for an Indo-Pacific charter’

Common cause, common challenge, common values, common charter: Paul Giarra

September 25, 2018 | Benjamin Weinthal

Angela Merkel’s Ugly Romance With the Iranian Regime

Why Germany seeks to increase trade with a murderous theocracy bent on Israel’s destruction.

December 11, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

End of the West?

Should the United States militarily defeat jihadist outfits in the Middle East? After 9/11 the answer seemed easy, but after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Barack Obama is not alone in arguing...

January 8, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht The Wall Street Journal

France and the New Charismatic Jihad

Worries about autonomous jihadist cells appear to have been realized in Paris.

November 13, 2014 | Mark Dubowitz, Reuel Marc Gerecht

Iran’s Diplomatic Path to the Bomb

Let’s assume the Iranian nuclear talks in Vienna fail to conclude a final agreement by Nov. 24, the already extended deadline under the interim Joint Plan of Action signed in January. Iran&...

October 3, 2014 | Reuel Marc Gerecht


The great medieval historian Ibn Khaldun centered his understanding of history on asabiyya, which is perhaps best translated as esprit de corps mixed with the will to power. In his maste...

December 19, 2011 | |

Despite Criticism of Israel, Hitchens was Ardent Foe of Anti-Semitism

Not long ago, I told an older colleague of my admiration for Christopher Hitchens, the Anglo-American author, journalist and public intellectual who finally succumbed to esophageal cancer Thursda...

October 3, 2011 | Andrew McCarthy National Review Online

War-Power Paranoia

Zero. If you’re keeping score, that would be the number of American citizens assassinated so far by President Obama. Oddly enough, it turns out to be the same number of our countrymen kille...

June 15, 2011 |


Will Pentagon blunders mean the end of military trials for terrorists?

August 6, 2008 |

Extradition Delayed Is Justice Denied

He arrived in Europe with great fanfare: an inspiring young leader from a foreign land who spoke with passion about change and social justice. And Europe answered the...

July 10, 2007 |

Can the U.N’s Global Compact Initiative Teach Good Corporate Behavior?

Can the United Nations teach good corporate behavior? That’s the mission of a fast-growing UN initiative called the Global Compact – run out of the Secretary-General’s executive...

May 16, 2007 | Andrew McCarthy Human Events |

Brits Bash Bolton

To understand why the Bush administration has become so unpopular in the United Kingdom, one needn’t look much further than the utterly misleading headline that screamed across Wednesday&rs...

February 20, 2006 | Weekly Standard

Selling Out Moderate Islam

Washington's misbegotten campaign to be loved in the Middle East.

August 30, 2005 |

Mission Shift

Declining polls reflect drift, not public support for battling militant Islam.

February 9, 2005 | Clifford D. May

No Exit; The Choice is Between a Strategy for Victory — or Defeat

When a politician or a journalist talks about an “exit strategy” from Iraq, there is only one appropriate response: Roll your eyes and leave the room. Imagine some senator or...

December 21, 2003 | National Review Online

Between Iraq & a Hard Place

Authored by Andrew Apostolou Libya’s announcement that it will close down its weapons-of-mass-destruction programs is an important vindication of American and British foreign polic...

September 22, 2003 | |

Bush’s New U.N. Challenge

By Andrew Apostolou When President Bush visits the U.N. today, his speech must be a carefully balanced mixture of diplomacy and leadership. As he did a year ago, his role is to...

March 19, 2003 |

The War is Justified by Saddam’s Evil…It Will Give Iraq a Better Future

By Richard Chesnoff There's a lot of hand-wringing over what happens to Iraq after Saddam Hussein is ousted, which he will be very shortly, now that the war has begun....

February 24, 2003 | Clifford D. May National Review Online

When is Terrorism Justified?

Our message … is clear," Attorney General Ashcroft said last Thursday. "We make no distinction between those who carry out terror attacks and those who finance and manage [them]."...