June 27, 2014 | Quote

Obama’s Dithering Has Put U.S. Security At Risk, And The Public Knows It

Iraq is only part of the problem, however. After three years, Syria’s multiple uses of chemical weapons and more than 160,000 dead, Obama has finally decided that we have an interest in the outcome of Syria’s civil war and is requesting $500 million in aid to non-jihadi rebels. Cliff May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies observes via e-mail, “Without question, this assistance would have been more likely to produce good results had it come three years ago — a time when not just Republicans but also many of the president’s top advisers were urging him to support the nationalist, non-Islamist opposition in Syria.” He nevertheless thinks it is not too late to act. “That said, if this signals that Obama is now seeing the need to defend America against jihadists – a word he and John Kerry have recently used instead of ‘violent extremists’ — that is encouraging,” he said. “But they need to go further. They need to understand: there are Sunni and Shia jihadists. Both seek America’s defeat and destruction.”

Read full article here.

