FDD Future Campaign
Charitable Gift Planning Options
Whatever your goals, interests and objectives may be, there is a planned giving option available through the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. We are ready to assist you, always in complete confidence and without obligation. For more information, call Lawrence Muscant at 202-207-0190.
Cash is the easiest and most common way to make a gift. You receive a charitable income tax deduction and FDD will have the use of your gift immediately.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts of stocks, bonds, treasuries and mutual funds entitle you to a charitable income tax deduction based on the fair market value of the securities and no capital gains tax is paid.
Appreciated Property
Contributions of real estate can provide substantial benefits for both FDD and the donor. The fair market value of the property contributed is your charitable income tax deduction and no capital gains tax is due. Partial interests and life estates may be donated. Other types of appreciated property may be donated as well.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance allows you to make a present, rather than future gift that may be much larger than might otherwise be possible. You name FDD as beneficiary of a new life insurance policy. If the gift is irrevocable and FDD is the owner and beneficiary of the policy, you are entitled to a tax deduction for all premiums paid. Existing policies without loans outstanding may also be contributed, and you are entitled to a charitable income tax deduction for an amount essentially equivalent to the cash value of the policy.
Charitable Bequest
A Charitable Bequest is a gift that is contained within a will or trust. You may be recognized for your generosity or your gift may be anonymous.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A Charitable Remainder Trust provides income to you or another you specify for life or for a specified number of years. When the trust ends, the remaining assets are transferred to FDD to fund a permanent endowment in your name.
Charitable Lead Trust
A Charitable Lead Trust provides for a portion of the trust’s investment yield to be contributed to FDD. Then, after a specified term of years or a lifetime, the remainder of the trust is transferred to beneficiaries of the donor’s choosing.