May 24, 2024 | The Telegraph

Putin has declared war on British democracy

The UK has been one of the key leaders in arming Ukraine in its fight against Russia, and Moscow is ready for payback.
May 24, 2024 | The Telegraph

Putin has declared war on British democracy

The UK has been one of the key leaders in arming Ukraine in its fight against Russia, and Moscow is ready for payback.


Sergey Naryshkin, the director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has openly stated “Great Britain has for many centuries been and still remains a dangerous geopolitical adversary” and deploys every weapon in his arsenal to exploit political and racial polarisation in Britain.

But with the UK scheduled to hold elections on July 4, as has been warned only today, Moscow will not miss an opportunity to destabilise the country as profoundly as possible. Britain must be prepared.

And not just the Britain. According to intelligence reports, Russia plans to interfere in political processes during the EU elections in June and the US elections in November. Western intelligence agencies have already warned that Moscow is plotting acts of sabotage across Europe. In May, Anne Keast-Butler, the director of GCHQ, earlier warned that Russia is preparing cyberattacks, and worse, against the UK.

Ivana Stradner is a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.


Military and Political Power Russia