June 6, 2024 | Flash Brief

IDF Soldier Killed as Hamas Attempts Infiltration From Gaza

June 6, 2024 | Flash Brief

IDF Soldier Killed as Hamas Attempts Infiltration From Gaza

Latest Developments

Hamas terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel from Gaza using foggy weather as cover on the morning of June 6. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers who were dispatched to investigate suspicious activity clashed with the terrorists, three of whom were eliminated. One IDF soldier was killed. The IDF said it was investigating whether a fourth gunman had fled the area. The incident is one of the most serious attacks by Hamas along the border since its massacre of October 7, in which over 1,200 people were slaughtered and more than 250 abducted, which triggered the current war in Gaza. The attack comes as the IDF continues to operate in Gaza, including dismantling terrorist infrastructure along the Philadelphi Corridor along the Egyptian border and via operations in central Gaza.

Expert Analysis

“As Israel deepens its incursions in Rafah and gradually destroys Hamas last intact battalions, Palestinian terrorist groups were bound to try and launch further attacks. But this attack is troubling in its bold conception and lethal outcome. The Israelis have vowed to prevent another October 7 – and they must continue their operations against Hamas to prevent further violence against their citizens.” — Mark Dubowitz, FDD CEO

“The Hamas attempt to attack Israel under the cover of fog illustrates how Hamas continues to pose a serious terrorist threat from Gaza. Recently, the terrorist group has sought to transition to using smaller groups of terrorists to carry out coordinated attacks against Israeli forces in Gaza. The Hamas attack on the border shows beyond doubt that the terror group is intent on committing more massacres of Israelis.” — Seth J. Frantzman, FDD Adjunct Fellow

“Hamas’s objective in the attack was multifaceted: to breach the security fence and kill Israeli soldiers. While inflicting casualties on IDF troops was a key goal, Hamas’s primary aim was to demonstrate its ability to penetrate the border despite Israel’s military presence in the Gaza Strip over the last seven months. By achieving this feat, Hamas sought to undermine Israel’s efforts to secure the border with Gaza.” Joe Truzman, Senior Research Analyst at FDD’s Long War Journal

IDF Uncovered Tunnel With Multiple Branches and Shafts Near Rafah Border

On June 6, the IDF revealed the route of a tunnel that was uncovered running near the Rafah border crossing in southern Gaza. “Troops located several tunnel shafts in the Rafah area, which led to the discovery of the 2-kilometer-long (1.2-mile-long) underground route with several passages branching off it,” The Times of Israel reported. The IDF found explosive material and weapons inside the tunnel. The tunnel was also equipped with blast doors and contained numerous entrances. Israeli combat engineers demolished the tunnel after filming inside it and revealing its route. The terror tunnel was among at least 20 discovered so far along the Philadelphi route near the Egyptian border.

Study Finds Food Aid to Gaza Exceeds International Standards,” FDD Flash Brief

One-Third of Hostages in Gaza Believed Dead,” FDD Flash Brief

Hamas Terrorists Attack Kerem Shalom Aid Crossing for Fourth Time in May,” FDD Flash Brief



Israel Israel at War



Egypt Gaza Strip Hamas Israel Israel Defense Forces Israelis Palestinians Philadelphi Corridor Rafah Rafah Border Crossing