April 24, 2024 | Israel at War Situation Report

Israel SitRep: April 24, 2024

April 24, 2024 Israel at War Situation Report

Israel SitRep: April 24, 2024

Today’s Issue: Israeli Air Force Strikes More Than 50 Gaza Military Targets in Past Day | IAF Hits Launcher in Lebanon Used to Fire Projectiles at Israel | IDF Kills Two Hezbollah Operatives in Targeted Strikes | IDF Launches Surprise Operation on Sunday Night in Central Gaza | Latest FDD Analysis

Israeli Air Force Strikes More Than 50 Gaza Military Targets in Past Day: Last night, Israeli Air Force jets carried out a number of strikes in southern Gaza, destroying two Hamas launching posts that were located in a humanitarian zone and had rockets ready to be fired at Israel. According to the IDF, “the strike was conducted after taking precautions to mitigate harm to civilians.” The Nahal Brigade is continuing to operate in central Gaza’s Netzarim corridor, and in the past day, eliminated terrorists and destroyed terrorist infrastructure. In one incident, troops killed terrorists with tank fire. In addition, Israeli Air Force fighter jets and other aircraft struck more than 50 military targets in Gaza. During operations by the IDF’s Gaza Division over the past day, an IAF aircraft struck an “operational tunnel shaft” and a number of terrorist infrastructures in Gaza.

IAF Hits Launcher in Lebanon Used to Fire Projectiles at Israel: On Wednesday night, a number of projectiles fired from Lebanon fell in open areas near Moshav Shomera in northern Israel, near the Lebanese border. Israeli Air Force aircraft then responded, destroying the launcher from which the rockets were fired, which was located in the area of Tayr Harfa in southern Lebanon. A Hezbollah military building in the area which was housing Hezbollah members was also struck. During the night, IAF fighter jets attacked terrorist infrastructures in the area of Markaba, a village in southern Lebanon; a military building in the area of Ayta Al-Shab; and a Hezbollah lookout post in the area of Marwahin. In addition, IDF troops used artillery fire to “remove a threat” in the areas of Chihine and Kafr Shuba.

IDF Kills Two Hezbollah Operatives in Targeted Strikes: The Israeli Air Force on Monday carried out a targeted assassination of a Hezbollah operative in southern Lebanon, killing Hussein Azqul, a “key terrorist” in Hezbollah’s air defense unit. According to the IDF, Azqul was “heavily involved” in the unit’s operations and took part in planning and carrying out a variety of terrorist activities. The army says that Azqul’s death “dealt a significant blow” to Hezbollah’s capabilities in the area. Overnight between Sunday and Monday, the IDF eliminated Muhammad Attia, a central figure in the aerial unit of Hezbollah’s Radwan Force, who was involved in preparing and carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel. Hezbollah confirmed that the two were killed “on the road to Jerusalem,” meaning by Israeli strikes. A total of 287 Hezbollah operatives have been killed so far during the Gaza war.

IDF Launches Surprise Operation on Sunday Night in Central Gaza: The IDF on Tuesday published a report on operations by the Nahal Brigade in the area of the Netzarim corridor in the central Gaza Strip, where troops launched a surprise operation on Sunday night. According to the IDF, the soldiers carried out targeted raids, and in several cases, called on fighter jets from the Israeli Air Force to attack terrorists who posed a threat to them. When the troops destroyed buildings, secondary explosions occurred, indicating the presence of a large quantity of weapons. Also on Tuesday, the IDF reported on a pinpoint raid by the Netzach Yehuda Battalion in the area of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza. During the raid, which began before the start of the Passover holiday and continued during the holiday, the troops destroyed a number of terrorist infrastructures and tunnel shafts. Sgt. First Class (res.) Salm Alkreshat, 43, a Bedouin tracker, was killed in the operation.

Latest FDD Analysis:

Today at 8:30am (ET): “FDD Morning Brief,” featuring Jonathan Schanzer and Jacob Baime, FDD Event

“Something went boom in Isfahan,” Joe Truzman and Bill Roggio, Generation Jihad (by FDD’s Long War Journal)

“Pressure mounting on U.S. with troops under attack in Syria and Iraq, plus blasts on PMF base,” Ahmad Sharawi, FDD’s Long War Journal

“Iran’s Noor Plan Intensifies Crackdown on Women,” FDD Experts, FDD Flash Brief

“Israel Calls UN Investigation into UNRWA ‘Insufficient’,” FDD Experts, FDD Flash Brief

“Iranian President in Pakistan, Pledges to Strengthen Ties,” FDD Experts, FDD Flash Brief



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