November 21, 2023 | The Dispatch

The Importance of Rebuilding the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’

The U.S. can aid Ukraine and Israel at the same time—for now. But the long-term outlook is less certain.
November 21, 2023 | The Dispatch

The Importance of Rebuilding the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’

The U.S. can aid Ukraine and Israel at the same time—for now. But the long-term outlook is less certain.


For the second time in two years, America finds itself providing military support to a friend in the wake of aggression. Within days of Hamas’ attack on Israel, American munitions began flowing to the Israeli Defense Forces, and no reporting suggests that a single request for military material has yet been denied. 

But the situation raises important questions: How long is such support materially sustainable given well-reported strains on defense supply chains? Even if Congress ultimately approves supplemental funding for military assistance to Ukraine and Israel, can the U.S. industrial base cash the checks? If so, what is the harm to the increasingly dangerous security situation in the Pacific—the only critical Eurasian region spared an open war at this moment—where China is testing American resolve in the South China Sea and preparing for a war over Taiwan?

In other words, are there enough guns, bullets, and bombs to sustain America’s global strategy, long underpinned by our status as the free world’s armory? Or will reality ultimately force us to retrench?  The current polycrisis may be manageable for now, but the instrument panels for both our security abroad and our defense supply chains at home are flashing red—even without the United States engaged in combat. 



Israel Israel at War Military and Political Power Russia U.S. Defense Policy and Strategy



Arsenal of Democracy Eurasia Hamas Israel Defense Forces South China Sea