March 12, 2012 | Faster, Please!

Chris Matthews, Getting It Wrong and Staying There

Some weeks ago, Chris Matthews mentioned me in passing as one of those who wants to attack Iran militarily. So I wrote to his producer, pointed out that I had long opposed military attacks on Iran, had written three books and scads of articles and blogs saying that, and would therefore be grateful if Mr Matthews would take a few seconds to correct the record on air. After all, that’s where he uttered the false statement to begin with.

He replied with a snail mail, which simply said “this is what I based it on.” The envelope contained a bit of transcript from an old show of his (ten years ago) in which we talked about Iraq, and I had said that Iran was the really serious problem and we should address it. Nothing about attacking Iran. Nothing about bombing Iran.

So I sent him another email via his producer, pointing out that I had been prescient on his show, thanking him for taking the time to send an actual letter, and pointing out that the transcript did not address the question I had raised, namely that he had falsely said I wanted to attack Iran. I again asked that he correct the record, and to help him clear his mind, I sent him a copy of Accomplice to Evil, which laid out my opposition to military action very clearly.

No reply.  So a bit over a week ago I emailed the producer saying “time’s up,” and that if he wasn’t going to do anything, I would correct the record myself.  The producer emailed back, asking me if I had received the snail mail.  I said I had, but it didn’t have anything to do with the subject, and for extras was ten years old.

That’s about it.  I don’t suppose it’s surprising.  I just want to state the facts:  I am opposed to military attacks against Iran, I think we should be supporting the opposition there, and I think I’ve shown that Chris Matthews isn’t much interested in getting it right.  He got it wrong, and stayed with it.

Par for the course, n’est-ce pas?  Another reason not to watch television.  Stick with PJ Media.  We try harder to get it right, and if we get it wrong, we try to correct it pronto.






Iran Iraq