July 1, 2008 | National Review Online

From Eurabia to Londonistan: It Could Happen Here

The disappearance of England, and Europe, continues apace.  The Telegraph reports (italics mine):

Muslims have complained over a police advert featuring a puppy sitting in an officer’s hat. A police force has apologised to Islamic leaders for the “offensive” postcard advertising a new non-emergency telephone number, which shows a six-month-old trainee police dog named Rebel. The German shepherd puppy has proved hugely popular with the public, hundreds of who have logged on to the force’s website to read his online training diary.  But some Muslims in the Dundee area have reportedly been upset by the image because they consider dogs to be “ritually unclean”, while shopkeepers have refused to display the advert.  Tayside Police have admitted they should have consulted their ‘diversity’ officers before issuing the cards, but critics argued their apology was unnecessary.

Don’t think it could happen here?  Remember this story from May?  The student in the teacher-training program at a Minnesota high school who was compelled to leave because of threats by immigrant Somali Muslim students who took offense to the dog he needed because it was specially trained to deal with a medical condition he had.