June 20, 2008 | Institute for the Study of War

A MNSTC-I Status Report

n spring 2008, the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) markedly increased their conduct of independent operations throughout Iraq.  Between April and May, the ISF mounted offensives in Basra, Sadr City, and Mosul.  The ISF’s ability to execute these three simultaneous operations was a sign of immense improvements in force density, planning capacity, and mobility.  This progress, while far from complete, indicated that Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq’s (MNSTC-I) three-year effort to build Iraqi military forces was beginning to bear fruit.  Indeed, MNSTC-I’s programs enabled the force generation, equipment acquisition, and capacity building that the Iraqi Security Forces required for Operation Charge of Knights in Basra, Operation Peace in Sadr City, and Operation Lion’s Roar/Mother of Two Springs in Mosul.