Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

September 22, 2021 | Clifford D. May |

Unfriending Pakistan

A reconsideration of the relationship is long overdue

February 26, 2013 |

Ahmadi Muslims, Killed in Pakistan but Welcomed Here, Perfectly Symbolize Our Canadian Values

Last week, when Canadians learned that the federal government was set to announce the creation of a new “Office of Religious Freedom,” CBC reported the news with...

January 9, 2013 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Learning From the Soviets: How to Withdraw From Afghanistan

The New York Times bungles history in predicting the upcoming departure of U.S. troops.

May 30, 2012 | Robert Barnidge Boston University International Law Journal

A Defense of Drone Attacks in Pakistan Under Humanitarian Law

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, international law has had to grapple with the fundamental challenges that large-scale violence carried out by non-state actors pos...

September 28, 2011 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Gunpowder & Lead

Bin Laden’s Death: Conspiracy Theories Edition

Last night a student journalist sent me an inquiry about Osama bin Laden’s death — inquiring whether I “really believe Osama Bin Laden is dead.” Blake Hounshell...

June 14, 2011 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service

Wishful Thinking: A Lethal Habit When it Comes to Islamist Terrorists

Osama bin Laden probably does not get home delivery of Parade but more than 30 million Americans do. And on the magazine’s cover last Sunday was the not-quite-smiling face of Benaz...

June 14, 2011 | National Review Online

Benazir Bhutto: Killed by the Real Pakistan

A recent CNN poll showed that 46 percent of Pakistanis approve of Osama bin Laden. Aspirants to the American presidency should hope to score so highly in the United States. In Pakistan,...

June 14, 2011 | National Review Online

After Bhutto: A Nation in Crisis

Benazir Bhutto’s assassination is a tragedy, and likely a strategic setback as well. It is tragic because, despite the notorious corruption of Bhutto’s administration, in many ways sh...

June 14, 2011 | Washington Times

Why Mrs. Bhutto Had to Die

Former Pakistani Prime Minster Benazir Bhutto was murdered because of herpotential actions in Pakistan, by the combined forces of jihadism in that country. In short, they executed her to pre-empt...

June 14, 2011 | Philadelphia Inquirer |

Soft Foreign Policy Hurts the U.S.

If American diplomacy were delivering on its promises, we'd be heading into boom times for peace and security. Instead, the new year begins with Washington foreign policy increasingly cocoon...

June 13, 2011 | Middle East Times

Will Yousaf Raza Gilani change Pakistan?

Perhaps the most notable aspect of Yousaf Raza Gilani's conduct upon his ascension as Pakistan's new prime minister has been his lack of apparent vitriol toward President Pervez Musharr...

June 13, 2011 | National Review Online

State of Denial

Musharraf's latest move has transformed him into a liability.

April 25, 2009 |

Fixing Our Pakistan Problem

This article was published in The Journal of International Security Affairs (No. 16, Spring 2009)....

April 15, 2008 |

Will Yousaf Raza Gilani change Pakistan?

Perhaps the most notable aspect of Yousaf Raza Gilani's conduct upon his ascension as Pakistan's new prime minister has been his lack of apparent vitriol toward President Pervez Musharraf.

January 10, 2008 |

Wishful Thinking: A lethal habit when it comes to Islamist terrorists

Wishful Thinking: A lethal habit when it comes to Islamist terrorists Osama bin Laden probably does not get home delivery of Parade but more than 30 million Americans do. And on the magazine’s cover last Sunday was the not-quite-smiling face of Benazir Bhutto, along with this confident quote: “I am what the terrorists most fear.”

By the time Bhutto’s image and words reached America’s breakfast tables, she was, of course, dead. The January 6 issue of the magazine had gone to press before Bhutto was assassinated on Dec. 27 during a campaign stop in northern Pakistan.

January 3, 2008 |

Soft foreign policy hurts the U.S.

Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice
Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice
If American diplomacy were delivering on its promises, we'd be heading into boom times for peace and security. Instead, the new year begins with Washington foreign policy increasingly cocooned in a cloud of "soft power," trying to deflect threats through the wiles of diplomacy, the art of the deal. Welcome to the world of wishful thinking.


October 21, 2007 |

While Pakistan Burns

If there were any doubt about the reach of militants in Pakistan, last week's events should have put them to rest. The ostentatious procession celebrating the return home of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto was tragically cut short by twin bombs that killed over 130 and wounded several hundred more on Thursday night. The attackers almost succeeded in killing Bhutto as well. The blast shattered the windows in her vehicle and set a police escort car ablaze. The sophistication of the attack was apparent from the outset, and the bombs may have been accompanied by sniper fire.

December 27, 2003 |

Benazir Bhutto Assassination: Strategic points about the Terror Attack

Strategic points about the Terror attack   1.Mrs Bhutto has been criticizing the Islamists constantly during her political campaigns, since her return to the country. Senior ne...

November 6, 2003 | FrontPageMagazine

A Saudi Glasnost?

By Andrew Apostolou Saudi Arabia's rulers are now paying lip-service to supporting an experiment with a Gorbachev-like program of Perestroika and Glasnost. But are they serious? If...