The Messages of Toulouse
Lone-wolf terrorists are a growing threat. Moderate Muslims are among those in the crosshairs.
Lone-wolf terrorists are a growing threat. Moderate Muslims are among those in the crosshairs.
That’s the mainstream media’s faith-based narrative and they’re sticking to it.
Osama bin Laden sleeps with the fishes. His deputy, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad sleeps between clean sheets, eats three square meals a day and receives the same quality medical care as U.S. mili...
We Americans should be ashamed! What an intolerant, bigoted, hateful lot we are! Or so we are being told by our political and media elites. Lawrence Wright, in The New Yorker – yes, The New...
The talk right now is endlessly about Islam, whether one tunes in to news of Pastor Terry Jones and the will-he won't-he question of whether he'll burn the Koran, or news of Feisal Abdu...
“Peace” is a word so over-used and abused that by now it’s wise to brace yourself every time some self-declared “peace-maker” pipes up. But even by those standards,...
Wow! The Washington Post has identified “rabble-rousing outsiders!” I don’t think I’ve heard language like that since southern segregationists complained about young civil...
Among the prime planners of a $100 million Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, it's not just Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who is visiting the Middle East this summer at U.S. taxpayer expen...
The controversy over plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan has taken an odd twist. On one side are those making arguments in opposition to the project, along with those who merely...
While debate rages over plans for an Islamic center in Lower Manhattan, the imam behind this project, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is not available to answer questions in New York. Since locating the absen...