Workers' Party of Korea

February 9, 2023 | Mathew Ha, David Maxwell

North Korea’s Political Warfare Strategy Has Failed: ROK – U.S. Alliance Needs A Superior Strategy

Approximately halfway into his first term, President Joe Biden has been given a wake-up call from Kim Jong Un that North Korea continues to remain a primary national security threat. Some policymakers,...

November 23, 2022 | Hyun-seung Lee, David Maxwell

Legitimizing North Korean Hereditary Succession Harms The Korean People

The international media has been drawn to the story of the possibility of a fourth-generation hereditary succession of the Kim family regime. This made headlines in global media outlets over the weekend...

May 27, 2021 | Mathew Ha |

U.S.-ROK Alliance Creates a New Cyber Working Group at Summit

President Joe Biden and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreed at their first summit on May 21 to deepen cyber cooperation by creating a new bilateral cyber working group to confront ransomware and other...

March 8, 2021 | David Maxwell |

How to Conduct the Biden Administration’s Korea Policy Review

The way ahead is deterrence, defense, denuclearization, human rights upfront, and solving the “Korea question” (e.g., unification) with the understanding that denuclearization of the north will only happen when we resolve that “Korea question.”

January 12, 2021 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Joe Biden Can’t Fall For North Korea’s Latest Trap

After he labelled America as North Korea’s “foremost principal enemy” and announced plans to strengthen his regime’s nuclear and missile arsenal, Kim Jong-un last week offered Washington an...

January 7, 2021 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Opening of Eighth Party Congress Shows Kim Jong Un Stays True to His Roots

North Korea’s ruling Korean Workers’ Party kicked off its Eighth Party Congress on Wednesday. This periodic meeting seeks to outline the North Korean government’s strategic objectives for a broad...

October 14, 2020 | David Maxwell |

North Korea’s Parade Confirms Kim Jong Un Holds True to His Revolutionary Political Warfare Strategy

On October 10, North Korea celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Workers Party of Korea with a well-choreographed military parade. After months of speculation among the Korea watcher community,...

April 21, 2020 | David Maxwell |

Kim Jong Un’s Health and What Comes Next

Following a South Korean report that Kim Jong Un is suffering complications from a cardiovascular procedure, U.S. media reported that the North Korean leader may be in grave danger. If true, the Korean...

March 27, 2020 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Coronavirus may force ROK/U.S. military alliance to contend with North Korean instability

North Korea continues to deny that it is affected by the coronavirus. Yet all indications are that there is an outbreak in the North, though the extent of it is unknown. Such an outbreak can have severe...

December 12, 2018 | Mathew Ha |

U.S. Continues to Pressure North Korea for its Human Rights Abuses

On Monday, the Treasury Department sanctioned three senior North Korean government officials for perpetrating human rights violations,...

January 6, 2016 | Claudia Rosett |

North Korea’s Nuclear Advance — With Or Without The Hydrogen Bomb

It’s almost two years since North Korea’s government threatened to carry out “a new form of nuclear test.” Asked at a United Nations press conference what Pyongyang had in...

December 17, 2013 | |

The Perils Of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

It’s been a landmark year for North Korea’s third-generation tyrant, Kim Jong Un, who inherited power two years ago with the death of his father, Kim Jong Il. Young Kim kicked off 201...

April 15, 2010 | |

Kim Jong Il’s ‘Cashbox’

Despite all the pomp and nuclear summitry, North Korea keeps sliding down President Barack Obama's to-do list. Yet something must be done. The threat here is not solely North Korea's ow...