United States House Committee on Financial Services

February 13, 2024 | |

Joint statement to House Financial Services Committee for FinCEN Hearing

January 9, 2019 | Eric B. Lorber

FDD Launches Center on Economic and Financial Power, Names Former Treasury Advisor Eric B. Lorber as Senior Director

(Washington, D.C., January 9, 2019) – The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) today unveiled its...

November 22, 2017 | Annie Fixler, Tyler Stapleton

Congress Supports Financial Transparency for Iranian Transactions

The House Financial Services Committee approved last week the Strengthening Oversight of Iran’s...

July 18, 2017 |

Managing Terrorism Financing Risk in Remittances and Money Transfers

Download the full testimony here....

September 8, 2016 | Eric B. Lorber

Fueling Terror: The Dangers of Ransom Payments to Iran

Download the full testimony here. ...

July 25, 2016 | Sheryl Saperia |

Should Canada reopen its embassy in Iran?

One year ago this month, Iran and the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) reached a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an agreement on the si...

July 7, 2016 |

The Implications of U.S. Aircraft Sales to Iran

Chairman Huizenga, Vice Chairman Mulvaney, Ranking Member Moore, and distinguished members of the Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade, I am honored to appea...

May 6, 2016 | Orde Kittrie

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism

FDD Research Memo

April 21, 2016 | Yaya J. Fanusie |

Islamic State Committing ‘Cultural Genocide’ by Selling Priceless Antiques to Westerners

Expert witnesses, while testifying before a House panel about the unprecedented level of looting and destruction of priceless antiques by jihadist groups across the Middle East, identified collec...

March 28, 2016 | Mark Dubowitz, Jonathan Schanzer

Dollarizing the Ayatollahs

The bruising battle between the president and Congress surrounding the Iran nuclear deal is over. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, despite its many troubling flaws, is already being implem...

April 22, 2015 | Jonathan Schanzer, Juan C. Zarate

FDD’s Schanzer and Zarate Testify about Terror Finance Threats

WASHINGTON, DC – As Congress and the administration explore ways to stem the threat of terrorists destabilizing important regions and attacking U.S. interests and those of its allies, Dr. J...

December 3, 2010 | The National Interest

Khartoum’s Denouement

On November 26, the South Sudan Referendum Commission extended by one week the time which southerners, both inside Sudan and abroad, have to register to vote in the self-determination plebiscite,...

April 12, 2010 |

House Approves Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2009

House Approves Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2009Sanctions on gasoline sales to Iran also needed to increase pressure on the regime Washington, D.C. (October 14, 2009) - The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) today praised the U.S. House of

October 15, 2009 |

House Approves Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2009

Press Release October 14, 2009 CONTACT: Judy Mayka 202-621-3948 [email protected]   House Approves Iran Sanctions Enabling...