The Real Rules of Detention
Earlier this week, Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) responded...
Earlier this week, Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) responded...
Binyam Mohamed is ...
Are John McCain’s supporters trying to drive conservatives away from their candidate? Senator McCain is the inevitable Republican presidential nominee. He is headed, though, for a...
The legal basis for protecting trial lawyers just got even weaker.
Dr. j. Peter Pham Former Somali General Mohamed Ali Samantar was defense minister and vice president (1980-1986) and, once the post was revived, prime minister (1987-1990) under Somalia&...
About a year ago, I wrote here on NRO about a divided (2-1) panel of the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals which ruled that Ali Saleh Kalah al-Marri, an alleged terrorist operative from Qatar...
A federal court in California has dismissed a civil lawsuit that alleged surveillance violations against a Muslim charity the government has formally designated as supporter of al-Qaeda and other...
It’s now been more than two months since the Pelosi Democrats — following their pied pipers at and the ACLU, as well as their party’s two presidential contenders &...
In this online debate, Senior Fellow Andrew McCarthy discusses the recent al-Marri case in which a divided panel of the Fourth Circuit held that the president could not...
Strike another blow for lawfare: The use of the American people’s courts as a weapon against the American people in a war prosecuted by the president — the only public official electe...