Uniform Code of Military Justice

October 24, 2012 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Gunpowder & Lead

Should the Fort Hood Attack be Classified as an Act of Terrorism?

The question of whether the Fort Hood attack carried out by Nidal Hasan should be classified as an act of terrorism is in the news. As ABC News...

January 5, 2011 | National Review Online

Another National-Security Flip-Flop

No sooner did Victor Davis Hanson compile a prodigious list of national-security flip-flops by the Obama Left (posted on the Corner under the title “If We Say It Is, It Is . . . ”) th...

July 23, 2008 | National Review Online

Suspend the Writ

For the protection of our troops on the battlefield and the security of all Americans, Congress needs, right now, to take action to reverse Boumediene v....

July 3, 2008 |

The Supreme Court’s Phony Consensus Against Capital Punishment for Child Rape

I wrote an article yesterday describing, among other things, that a major premise of the Supreme Court’s rationale (in Kennedy v. Louisiana) for invalidating Louisiana’s death penalty...

January 1, 2007 | Andrew McCarthy The New Criterion

Is The Nation State Threatened?

 “Is the Nation State Threatened?” This question, though apt, may fail to convey how dire the threat to sovereignty truly is. It might be better to ask, “Is the Nation Stat...

October 3, 2006 | National Review Online

The New Detainee Law Does Not Deny Habeas Corpus

There are innumerable positives in the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the new law on the treatment of enemy combatants that President Bush will soon sign. Among the best is Congress's ref...

September 25, 2006 | National Review Online

Hamdan and the Sunset of Sovereignty

The cacophony over wartime interrogation tactics and military-commission trials obscures a more profound issue: the sunset of national sovereignty itself. The cause of the ruckus, the Su...

September 15, 2006 | The New Criterion

The New Juristocracy

From the Founding right up until the still-quaking bombshell of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, issued at the end of the Supreme Court's term in late June, the primary imperative of national government...

July 10, 2006 | National Review Online

Dead Man Walking

The Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld is a national-security disaster. Forget about its undermining of military commissions. Forget...

May 22, 2004 | Washington Post

The Steps We Can Take to Prevent Another Abu Ghraib

Authored Ruth Wedgwood The worthy ambitions of the war in Iraq -- and I still believe there were many -- cannot mask the moral pain of the Abu Ghraib scandal. The cruel and humiliating m...