The problem with American diplomacy
Our enemies aren’t interested in “win-win solutions”
Our enemies aren’t interested in “win-win solutions”
Shifting the USMC's concept of operations will help confront China.
The regime’s decision to turn on the UAE at such a moment might be one that the Islamic republic will come to regret in the future.
While America staggers from coronavirus lockdown to riot curfew, China is pushing out at sea, on its borders, in its legal claims, and in the global economy. America and its allies have begun to realize...
The U.S. Navy is planning a rare combined drill with three aircraft carriers, a once-in-a-decade concentration of naval capability. The USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt strike groups have en...
OPEC is a conspiracy in restraint of trade.
It’s the key to ending OPEC’s control over the U.S. transportation industry.
Is Barack Obama a warrior president? Not in the British tradition, of course, which gave us Winston Churchill, with his crazy cavalry charge against Sudanese spears, or the more cerebral Harold M...
President Obama should replace his talk with decisive action.
Once a year, we Americans set aside a day for a feast of thanksgiving. It is worth remembering -- and, may I suggest, taking time to discuss with the family and friends gathered at the Thanksgivi...
By Dr. J Peter Pham and Ronald D. Rotunda People can, and undoubtedly will, argue for some time about whether President Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Meanwhile, though,...
Machiavelli on what makes a great leader.
La controversia sobre si Estados Unidos debería hablar con Irán y Siria sugiere la pregunta: ¿Qué diríamos? Más específicamente, ¿qué...
The controversy over whether the U.S. should talk with Iran and Syria begs the question: What would we say? More specifically, what are we willing to offer in exchange for cooperation -- and what...
Review of Broken: The Troubled Past and Uncertain Future of the FBI