The right to exist
Out of more than 200 states in the international system, the survival of only one of them—the State of Israel—seems to be up for debate.
Out of more than 200 states in the international system, the survival of only one of them—the State of Israel—seems to be up for debate.
If taken seriously, it could lead to a final solution
Trump’s is the latest play in a decadeslong game of trying to counter previous ‘peace process’ moves by each new American administration
The university flag at Princeton is flying at half-mast. It’s an appropriate tribute to Bernard Lewis, who died on May 19, less than a fortnight from his 102nd birthday. Professor Lewis was...
“Globalism” is one of those Humpty Dumpty words that seems to mean whatever those using it “choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”...
Mahmoud Abbas entered Yasser Arafat’s office in the Palestinian presidential complex, commonly referred to as the muqata‘a (compound), in the center of Rama...
Since the Islamic State made its dramatic military advance from Syria into Iraq more than a year ago — capturing...
Spring is a season for black memories. April 24 marked the beginning of the Armenian Genocide in 1915. April 27 was Yom HaShoah, a day for Holocaust remembrance. The Rwandan Genocide, in which Hu...
The list is long of Occidentals who’ve fallen for Persia. This isn’t surprising. Compared with Arab lands save Egypt, Iran has a longer history—Hegel described the Persians as &...
In Beirut last week, former Lebanese MP and cabinet member Michel Sa...
How tough justice keeps us free.
As a further thought to Michael Rubin’s response to Joe Klein’s defense of Peter Beinart,...
Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer...
By Sadek J. al-Azm, Emeritus, University of Damascus Translated from Arabic by Steve Miller, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies “Why exa...
Stop Whining and Do the Jobs You're Paid To Do
By Ariel Beery There are a number of wars raging around the world right now, but none of them are more important or more pivotal than the war for the hearts and minds of the Muslim/Arab...