The battle for the lands of the caliphate
Soon after taking office, President Trump ordered his national security advisers to provide “a complete strategi...
Soon after taking office, President Trump ordered his national security advisers to provide “a complete strategi...
In a just world, the Kurds would have a state of their own. Their culture is ancient. They speak a distinctive language. They have a homeland, Kurdistan, ruled for centuries by Arabs, Turks and P...
President Trump made a tough call last week. European diplomats and an “echo chamber” in the mainstream med...
Decertifying the nuclear deal with Iran is the first step toward fixing its severe deficiencies that place Iran on a North Korean-style glide path to developing nuclear weapons and intercontinent...
Among the most serious charges that President Obama and his supporters have leveled against President Bush and Vice President Cheney: They “cherry-picked intelligence.” The phrase sug...
The Iran nuclear deal has a major structural flaw. Rather than permanently blocking Iran’s nuclear weapons pathways, it opens a patient path. Tehran simply has to follow the deal to emerge...
In a written statement, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) observed, “It’s outrageous that a senior U.S. official pointed out that if the United States wouldn’t allow weapons inspectors f...
FDD Press Release
The Lord works in mysterious ways. That sentence does not appear in the Koran. Nor, actually, is it found in the Bible. But in recent days it has probably occurred to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran...
Remember when President Obama said that to prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capability, he would keep all options “on the table”? How long has it...
We are in an odd situation. President Barack Obama is trying to coerce and cajole Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, to compromise on his nuclear quest without using America’s only...