Once Upon a Time, U.S. Foreign Policy Worked
George H.W. Bush's administration was evidence of what the establishment was capable of.
George H.W. Bush's administration was evidence of what the establishment was capable of.
Last year, Congress asked the United States Institute of Peace, a government-funded think tank, to develop “a comprehensive plan to prevent the underlying causes of extremism in fragile states in th...
I rarely find myself thinking along similar lines as fellow Foreign Policy contributor Stephen Walt. Nevertheless, just as I was contemplating an article that would take note of a few o...
All administrations are short-sighted. Even the brightest, most reflective people can develop acute tunnel vision when they join the paper-pushing, crisis-a-minute senior ranks of the National Se...
Here comes Ross Douthat, trying to sort out Obama’s foreign policy. He’s got...
Maybe there really is a newsworthy story in the appointment of General Lute as special assistant to the President for Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet the story is both more mundane and more interesting...
Imagine for a moment a public official of the highest order. He was a confidant of the vice president and the president. Entrusted with the most sensitive national defense information, he enjoyed...
Co-Authored with Mark R. Levin In a screed Rolling Stone is passing off as journalism, James Bamford becomes the latest in a growing crowd of hacks to smear our friend Michael L...
WHEN I WAS RECENTLY in Paris, a French diplomat explained to me why he--and many others in the French foreign ministry--thought the United States would, in the end, bomb Iran's nuclear-weapo...
It was interesting to hear from the 9/11 Commission again on Tuesday. This self-perpetuating and privately funded group of lobbyists and lawyers has recently opined on hurricanes, nuclear weapons...