Tunisian Jihadism After the Sousse Massacre
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
Forty-one recently declassified State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, have reignited the controversy over the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack...
Not long after al Qaeda's general command yesterday disowned the Islamic State of Iraq and the...
The Washington Post ...
Chairman Poe, Ranking Member Sherman and members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me here today to discuss the threat posed by al Qaeda. We have been asked to “examine the nature of...
In an interview published by Le Monde on March 26, Tuni...
In early February, a video of an interview with Ansar al Sharia Tunisia's leader Seifallah ben Hassine (a.k.a. Abu Iyad al Tunisi) was released online after it had been banned by government...
The assassination of a prominent opposition leader has sparked a political crisis in Tunisia. Chokri Belaid, a politician who had spoken out against the ruling Islamist Ennahda party and Salafist...
It’s worse than an injustice; it’s a humiliation.
The real story behind Benghazi and the other attacks of 9/11/12
On and around September 11, 2012, al Qaeda attacked multiple American assets around the world. The attack that has received the most attention is the deadly attack on the American consulate in Be...