Sandy Berger

November 20, 2013 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross |

The Anatomy of an Evolving Threat: Publication of Classified Information

Fast-paced technological advances have, for decades, been causing wrenching changes to national security and international affairs that are generally unappreciated until a crisis arrives. And eve...

April 30, 2012 | |

Terrorists or Fall Guys?

The MEK puzzle.

April 26, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn

The New McCarthyism

THE MEDIA has been quick to lionize Mary McCarthy, the recently fired 61-year-old CIA analyst who allegedly leaked classified information to the Washington Post's Dana Priest. According to s...

June 15, 2011 |


The Senate Intelligence Committee's report on prewar statements is a disgrace.

May 16, 2011 | Thomas Joscelyn

Reasonable Suspicion

 In reality, however, the answer to Musharraf’s question was not so straightforward. Whether motivated by an American threat or the billions of dollars it received in U.S. aid, Pakista...

October 6, 2010 |

Better Late Than Never on “Able Danger”?

Five years ago, I called fo...

July 7, 2008 | National Review Online

Re: The Undecider

Rich, it’s good to see that Dan Benjamin and other top Clinton officials have become such sticklers for orderly process and gut-check decisions.  It wasn’t always so. Re...

June 11, 2008 |

So Who Replaces Jim Johnson?

 Suggestions?  Sandy Berger may be available …...

March 14, 2007 |


Lewis Libby’s lawyers are quietly filing appeals while President Bush privately ponders arguments for and against a pardon. But now is not the time for this controversy to fade away. Now is...

October 13, 2006 | National Review Online

The Culture of Obstruction

Imagine for a moment a public official of the highest order. He was a confidant of the vice president and the president. Entrusted with the most sensitive national defense information, he enjoyed...

June 22, 2006 | Wall Street Journal

Khobar Towers

Ten years ago this Sunday, acting under direct orders from senior Iranian government leaders, the Saudi Hezbollah detonated a 25,000-pound TNT bomb that killed 19 U.S. airmen in their dormitory a...

April 22, 2006 |

Why Isn’t She in Cuffs?

There are countless questions that arise out of the CIA's dismissal of a prominent intelligence officer, Mary O. McCarthy (no relation), for leaking classified information to the media. But...

April 16, 2006 |

Iraq Is the War on Terror

The Bush administration evidently believes revisiting the case for toppling Saddam Hussein is a political loser. That this conclusion — which, of course, has played in the media like a taci...

November 21, 2005 |

Atta in Prague

Ed Epstein has stayed on the case and has done the 9/11 Commission one better: he has actually conducted something resembling an investigation into whether the top hijacker met with in Prague wit...

June 28, 2005 |

It’s All About 9/11

The president links Iraq and al Qaeda — and the usual suspects moan.

August 9, 2004 | Clifford D. May

Clinton’s War; It Wasn’t With Terrorism

The revelation that former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger walked off with classified documents bearing on the Clinton administration's response to terrorism raises questions. Some of...

July 27, 2004 | Wall Street Journal

Burning Bridges

A Democratic foreign policy is what I was looking for when I switched on the TV Monday to watch the opening lineup at the Democratic Convention. I sat through Jimmy Carter ("Brezhnev lied to me")...

July 25, 2004 |

Clarke Tipped in the Wrong Direction: Is Warning Osama Associates “Taking Terrorism Seriously?”

Authored by Rep. J.D. Hayworth In his apology to the families of the victims of 9/11, Richard Clarke said, "Your government failed you. Those entrusted with protecting you faile...

April 14, 2004 | USA Today

Red Tape Threatens to Cage Military Might

Co-Authored by Robert Andrews One lesson emerging from this week's 9/11 commission hearings is that confusion and lack of clarity can be disastrous in fighting terrorism. D...

July 24, 2003 | Clifford D. May

Learning the Hard Way

Even a cursory glance at the 900-page congressional 9/11 report released Thursday should lead to some conclusions - and, hopefully, to some consensus. For example: The inquiry found no "...