
January 20, 2015 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal |

Senior Qods Force General Killed in Suspected Israeli Airstrike

A senior general in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps - Qods Force was among six Iranians and six Hezbollah operatives who were killed in yesterday's airstrike in southern Syria...

January 5, 2015 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal |

Islamic State Kills Qods Force General in Central Iraq

An Islamic State sniper gunned down a general in Iran's Qods Force who was advising Iraqi troops and Shiite militias in the battleground city of Samarra in central Iraq. The Iranian...

June 20, 2014 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Enemy

When Ottoman armies marched into Europe in the mid-14th century, Europeans started looking hopefully eastward for enemies of the Turks. Spanish and French kings sent ambassadors to Tamerl...

September 30, 2013 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Al-Qaeda’s Offensive Against Iraq’s Sahwa

Co-authored by Bridget Moreng Though it was largely considered a spent force at the time the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, al-Qaeda in Iraq’s (AQI) rebound is by now unden...

December 10, 2012 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Islamic State of Iraq Denies Its Emir Captured

The Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda's political front in Iraq, denied that its emir, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi al Husseini al Qurshi, or Abu Du'a, was captured by Iraqi security forces earli...

June 14, 2011 | The Weekly Standard

Operation Phantom Strike

How the U.S. military is demolishing al Qaeda in Iraq.

June 13, 2011 | FrontPage

Symposium: Shattered Dreams of Al Qaeda

FP: Bill Roggio, Andy McCarthy and Steve Schippert, welcome to this special edition of Frontpage Symposium. Bill Roggio, give us the background to how these documents we...

April 19, 2010 | Bill Roggio Long War Journal

US and Iraqi forces kill Al Masri and Baghdadi, al Qaeda in Iraq’s top two leaders

Iraq's Prime Minister and the US military confirmed that al Qaeda in Iraq's top two leaders have been killed during a raid in a remote region in the western province of Anbar....

July 16, 2008 | Free Republic

Iraqi Army attempts to halt voter registration attacks as Iraq prepares for fall election

When Iraqi Army Brigadier General Noor Aldeen visited his old secondary school in northern Mosul this week, he had little time to reminisce about placing first in spelling and arithmetic. His for...

June 30, 2008 | Long War Journal

Iraqi Security Forces Five Year Plan: An updated projection

 In August 2007, the Projected Iraqi Security Forces Five Year Plan (end-2012), a rough estimate of the end-state for Iraqi forces, was published. Additional information and details have sin...

August 16, 2007 |

On the Move

Al Qaeda could beat the U.S. in Iraq if American political will collapses.

July 12, 2007 |

Duty, Honor, Country

Thursday’s interim progress report on the surge in Iraq ran into a long-expected cold shower: Nobody wants to hear it. Bad news out of Iraq is what the market wants. Signs of progress cause...

June 26, 2007 |

Light at the End of the Tunnel

If what goes up must come down, every surge must eventually recede. According to recent reports, the current one in Iraq may give way to large-scale withdrawals of U.S. forces as early as spring...

May 10, 2007 |

Know Thy Enemies

SOMETIMES WHAT WE DON'T KNOW can indeed hurt us. This was the case in 2006, when reporters noticed significant fighting between Iraqi insurgent factions. This confused journalists and govern...

October 13, 2004 | National Interest

The Sunni Strategic Surprise

By: Andrew Apostolou. The debate over the continuing violence in Iraq is missing an important element: an appreciation of enemy strategy and tactics. The presidential campaigns,...

October 13, 2004 |

The Fog of War

Those calling Iraq a quagmire don't know what they're talking about.  Of course, those claiming that American, Iraqi and coalition forces are well on their way to defeatin...