Myths of War: The Ten Most Widely Believed Distortions About the Global Conflict Now Underway
Co-Authored with Alykhan Velshi Ronald Reagan once said: “It’s not that liberals are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true.&rdquo...
Co-Authored with Alykhan Velshi Ronald Reagan once said: “It’s not that liberals are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true.&rdquo...
There is no such thing as an experienced suicide bomber. This insight seems to have eluded the Central Intelligence Agency. A few days ago a classified CIA report was leaked to the...
The president links Iraq and al Qaeda — and the usual suspects moan.
Co-authored by: Jamie Glaznov, Greg Bates, David Lindorff and Jed Babbin. Where are we headed in Iraq? Is it crucial to stay and fight for victory, or, as some liberal-left crit...
You can argue that the conflict in Iraq is a distraction from the "War on Terrorism". But that argument is weaker than it was a few days ago -- before Abu Musab Zarqawi, the leader of t...
Anti-war activists have been feeling their oats. Pro-liberation advocates have been feeling woozy. So let's get back to basics, and ask three simple questions, to remind ourselves how we got...
Saddam has been captured. What does this development signify for the Iraq war and the War on Terror? Frontpage Symposium explores the issue with three distinguished guests: James Woolsey, directo...
Immediately following 9/11, much of the world expressed great sympathy for the United States. That sympathy probably would have persisted – if a victimized America had been willing to conti...
There are really only two choices: 1) Win the war in Iraq, or 2) accept defeat. And don't deceive yourself: That's the debate that has now begun. Of course, politicians being p...
September 11 will be remembered as the worst terrorist attack America ever suffered — if we’re lucky. If not, if we’re not extraordinarily successful in waging the war on...
“September 11th was our generation's Pearl Harbor.” Sen. John Kerry, a leading Democratic...
A political cartoon in Sunday's Washington Post shows the word "unilateralism" written in sand with Uncle Sam asking: "Do you think this would make a good foundation" for U.S. foreign policy...