Robert Kagan

August 18, 2020 | Jonathan Schanzer, Mark Dubowitz

The Dangerous Illusion of Restraining U.S. Power

Isolationists among both Democrats and Republicans want to withdraw from foreign entanglements. That would make the world much less safe.

May 13, 2020 | Clifford D. May |

Sowing a new global garden

A U.S.-led “economic prosperity network” could be a good start

April 13, 2020 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Islamic Revolution vs. Donald Trump

Iran and Ayatollah Khamenei are more influential today than at any time since 1979.

November 7, 2018 | Clifford D. May

The advance of illiberal world disorder

What Americans achieved after World War II is endangered

May 7, 2018 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Nuclear Deal Keeps America From Confronting Iranian Aggression

In his latest entry in our Atlantic ...

May 7, 2018 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Nuclear Deal Makes America Complicit in Iranian Crimes

The fundamental question when discussing a nuclear deal with Tehran is this: Are you prepared to fight over it? If not, then any deal is a good deal. This willingness to go to the mat also affect...

March 27, 2018 | Clifford D. May

The problem with promoting democracy

In a better world, I’d be enthusiastically in favor of democracy promotion and even nation-building -- more correctly called state-building. But we don’t live in a better world....

May 20, 2016 | Michael Ledeen

Nobody Knows Anything About Fascism

As I wrote in this space a few weeks ago, Donald Trump is no fascist, but there...

February 25, 2015 | Clifford D. May |

Putin’s Rules

Last week, two Russian long-range bombers skirted the southwest coast of England. British Typhoon warplanes scrambled from their base to “escort” the bombers away. Prime Minister Davi...

January 20, 2015 | Michael Ledeen |

The Citizen’s Guide to Regime Change

All of a sudden, it’s OK to talk seriously about regime change in Iran and even elsewhere.  It had been a taboo subject since the final years of the G.W. Bush administration, aside fro...

June 3, 2014 | Clifford D. May

Obama’s Performance At West Point

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised to bring us together and, on foreign policy, he may be making belate...

May 5, 2014 | Jonathan Kay |

The Troubling Rise of American ‘Withdrawalism’

Eastern Ukraine is falling to pieces. Suicide bombings remain epidemic in Iraq. Much of eastern Syria now is controlled by an al-Qaeda spin-off group that calls itself “Islamic State of Ira...

July 26, 2013 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

The Great Collision

For most of those who were so hopeful when the Great Arab Revolt downed the dictator Hosni Mubarak two years ago, the travails of Egypt’s fledgling democracy have been depressing. Many in t...

July 23, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Take Immediate Action to Establish Safe Zones in Syria

Washington, D.C.—A bipartisan group of sixty-two foreign policy experts and former U.S. government officials signed an open letter today urging President Obama to adopt a strategy that will...

May 3, 2012 | |

Obama vs. Romney: Cold War Revival

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has been predictably ridiculed for his sta...

April 10, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

What Obama Must Do in Syria After the Failed Annan Plan

A Joint Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) The Assad regime’s brutality against the Syrian people continues unabated,...

February 17, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

Foreign Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Take Immediate Action in Syria

Foreign Poli...

December 19, 2011 | FPI/FDD |

Foreign Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Take Action Against Assad

Foreign Poli...

November 8, 2011 | FPI/FDD |

Towards a Post-Assad Syria

    Towards a Post-Assad Syria: Options for the United States and Like-Minded Nations to Further Assist the Anti-Regime Syrian Opposition A Discussion Paper Prepared by the Foreign...

October 26, 2011 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service |

Autocracies United

“Reset” with Russia and “engagement” with Iran have failed. Here’s why.