Richard Warner Carlson

July 21, 2009 |

Danger Zone to be Broadcast Internationally and in the US on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio

July 21, 2009 (Washington, D.C.) -- Danger Zone, FDD's popular and respected radio show about terrorism, democracy and international security issues, now in its 5th year, wi...

March 14, 2005 |

FDD Experts Receive PBS Grant for Terrorism Documentary

Washington, D.C. (March 14, 2005) –...

May 24, 2004 | The Weekly Standard

Georgia on His Mind – George Soros’s Potemkin Revolution.

AT THE VOICE OF AMERICA during the Cold War some of the most troublesome employees were those who broadcast daily to the Soviet Union and its satellite states, in Russian, Azeri, Georgian, Ukrain...

April 7, 2004 | FrontPageMagazine

The Gray Lady Whitewashes Black Muslims

Islam is frequently cited in the media as the fastest growing religion in America. Perhaps in recognition of this trend the New York Times recently featured an Arts & Ideas section profile of...

February 25, 2004 | Mark Dubowitz National Review Online |

Terrorism on Trial

THE HAGUE–A light snow was falling on the International Court of Justice in the Hague, an imposing building in a fenced, park-like setting. TV cameras perched on the front lawn as hundreds...

July 27, 2003 |

A Retirement Plan for Tyrants

By Amb. Richard Carlson One of my partners as an observer at the South African elections of 1994 was General Olusegun Obasanjo, now president of Nigeria. We traveled around together a bi...

May 25, 2003 |

Throwing Out the Baath Water

By Amb. Richard Carlson The other day, General Tommy Franks made a pleasing announcement: The ruling Baath Socialist party of Iraq was dead, its carcass hung upside down on a fence. Afte...

May 11, 2003 | |

Mr. Hariri Goes to Washington

By Amb. Richard Carlson According to the Washington Post, a fellow you've probably never heard of named Rafik Hariri wants to build a $25 million house in Washington, D.C., a Kenned...

May 4, 2003 |

Demise of a Dictator

By Amb. Richard Carlson Those who have followed the war of liberation in Iraq know how slanted and unfair the news coverage has been in parts of the Arab world. Quotes like this from Pal...

April 1, 2003 |

Richard Carlson joins FDD