Iranian Companies’ Shares Plummeted after Treasury Designations
On October 16, the U.S. Treasury designated 20 Iranian entities. Using the anti-terrorism authorities under Executive Order 13224, Tre...
On October 16, the U.S. Treasury designated 20 Iranian entities. Using the anti-terrorism authorities under Executive Order 13224, Tre...
The U.S. Treasury issued a new round of sanctions yesterday against large, publicly traded Ir...
Of all the sanctions to be lifted in last week’s Iran nuclear agreement, few are more significant than those against a shadowy $100-billion network of foundations belonging to the Islamic R...
Iranians hit the streets earlier this month to celebrate a nucle...
With a new round of talks underway this week in Vienna, American officials are brimming with optimism concerning the possibility of a nuclear deal by the summer. Worryingly, Iran appears poised t...
Co-authored by Saeed Ghasseminejad Sanctions against Iran’s banking sector have restricted Iran access to financial markets and services. Iran’s exclusion has had an...
Co-authored by Saeed Ghasseminejad Of all the problematic aspects of the Joint Plan of Action recently signed in Geneva by Iran and the six world powers (The United States, Russ...
Co-authored by Saeed Ghasseminejad In his address to the United Nations, Benjamin Netanyahu described Hassan Rouhani as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but you’d ha...
Co-authored by Saeed Ghasseminejad Most Western observers welcomed the end of former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s term with a sigh of relief, interpreting new p...
Co-authored by When the European Court of Justice decided on January 29 to remove Iran’s Bank Mellat from the European Union’s sanctions list, its judges no doubt thoug...