A Nasty Neologism
The term Islamophobia treats political ideology as akin to race.
The term Islamophobia treats political ideology as akin to race.
Imam Feisal Rauf, the cleric behind the provocative Ground Zero Mosque (GZM) project, as one critic put it, “is no moderate. He presents himself as a peacemaking Islamic Gandhi, but he is i...
What's your opinion of polygamy? Many consider the practice immoral and it's illegal in this country and most of the developed world. It's probably not just coincidence that few, i...
The talk right now is endlessly about Islam, whether one tunes in to news of Pastor Terry Jones and the will-he won't-he question of whether he'll burn the Koran, or news of Feisal Abdu...
“Peace” is a word so over-used and abused that by now it’s wise to brace yourself every time some self-declared “peace-maker” pipes up. But even by those standards,...
Accuracy in Media recently interviewed Claudia Rosett, the director of the Investigative Reporting Project at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel...
After summering in Malaysia and assorted petro-capitals of the Arabian Gulf, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is back in America - though not for long. His...
Yet another news flash on the whereabouts of the self-described "bridge-building" couple behind the Ground Zero mosque: Last week, Daisy Khan was poised to travel to the Middle East, pla...
Among the prime planners of a $100 million Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, it's not just Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who is visiting the Middle East this summer at U.S. taxpayer expen...
Thank you, New York Post. We have a report Saturday that "[a]ppearing in public for the first time in weeks," the man behind the Ground Zero mosque, Imam...
It's now almost a month since the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project answered any questions from the U.S. media (or any other media, as far as I'm aware), or even bestirred hims...
Where exactly is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the $100 million Ground Zero mosque project? I keep asking because weeks after he stopped answering any questions about his "Cordoba House"...
For a man whom one would hope has nothing to hide, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project sure has dropped out of sight. Having triggered an uproar in the U.S., Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf duc...
A group opposing the Ground Zero mosque attempted to run ads against the project on New York City buses and trains, but the Metropolitan Transportation Authority refused to permit them because th...
NRO’s excellent editorial this morning on the...
Plans for a $100 million high-rise Islamic Center next to New York's Ground Zero are generating lots of controversy, as well as great distress among families of some of the thousands murdere...