
June 10, 2024 | |

Israel SitRep: June 10, 2024

Today’s Issue: Doctor Who Treated Rescued Hostages: All Suffered Prolonged Physical and Psychological Abuse | Male Hostages Rescued Saturday Were Held by Hamas Operative Who Worked with Al-Jazeera |...

May 19, 2021 | Shany Mor |

America’s Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Are Projecting Their Own Failures Onto Jared Kushner

For the past four years, there was no greater laughingstock in the American foreign policy cognoscenti than Jared Kushner. A full-on consensus reigned that cast the previous administration’s Middle...

March 23, 2018 | Mark Dubowitz |

With John Bolton, the Iran deal ‘nixers’ have an upper hand over the ‘fixers’

My long-standing hope for a fix to the fatal flaws of Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal may have just gone on life support with the appointment of John Bolton as President Trump’s nati...

August 4, 2017 | Tony Badran |

Washington Post Op-Ed Shills for Hezbollah Ally

There’s an elephant in the room in a recent Washington PostOp-Ed, “Can Lebanon survive Syria, Israel—and President Trump,” which ...

November 17, 2015 | |

Bearing Witness To A Nuclear North Korea

It’s a long way from Paris to Pyongyang, but as the world ponders the jihadi attacks on France, let us not lose sight of the menace emanating on the other side of the globe from a nuclear-a...

November 7, 2014 | |

Iran Nuclear Talks and North Korean Flashbacks

With the Iran nuclear talks nearing a Nov. 24 deadline for a deal, U.S. chief negotiator Wendy Sherman is under pressure to bring almost a year of bargaining to fruition. While U.S. ...

October 23, 2014 | Behnam Ben Taleblu |

The Long Shadow of the Iran-Iraq War

For a conflict that still captivates much of Iran’s ruling elite, the Iran-Iraq War gets very little attention in the United States. Over the years, we’ve...

June 15, 2011 | Pajamas Media |

Condi Rice Wants Us to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Kim Jong Il

It needs the talents of Stanley Kubrick to do justice to the complete Cuckoo’s Nest that American policy on North Korea has become. The State Department wants a nuclear deal, Presi...

April 20, 2011 | Bret Stephens The Rosett Report |

Please, Not Another Jimmy Carter Jaunt to North Korea

It would be an act of mercy for the planet, were Jimmy Carter to hang up his carry-on bag and devote the rest of his days to annotating his post-presidential grocery lists, or maybe sign up for D...

January 19, 2011 | Thomas Joscelyn Weekly Standard

The Beginning of the End of Swiss ‘Active Neutrality’?

 Tuesday morning, NBC News broadcast an interview with Saad Iqbal Madni, a former Guantanamo detainee. Madni’s story is an old one and there is no real “news” here. The New...

September 7, 2010 | Claudia Rosett The Rosett Report

Ground Zero Mosque: The Bombast of Imam Feisal

After summering in Malaysia and assorted petro-capitals of the Arabian Gulf, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is back in America - though not for long. His...

June 26, 2008 | Claudia Rosett Pajamas Media

Condi Rice Wants Us to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Kim Jong Il

It needs the talents of Stanley Kubrick to do justice to the complete Cuckoo’s Nest that American policy on North Korea has become. The State Department wants a nuclear deal, Presi...

May 16, 2004 | Townhall.com

The Media’s Double Standard on Iraq Prison Abuse

For three weeks, the media has bombarded us with a pornographic orgy of lurid photos and stories of Iraqi prisoner abuse and humiliation. It has been almost impossible to avoid seeing the same di...